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A member registered Dec 01, 2014 · View creator page →

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very neat

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Cheap Bubble Toy Quest
a pixelated game title screen with the title “Cheap Bubble Toy Quest” and an cartoon underwater scene a pixelated crab shoot bubbles at a cursor to choose between getting out of bed or not

We’ve just released Cheap Bubble Toy Quest, a game where you try to make important life decisions using an old, impractical bubble toy.
The game was made in 48h for the Global Game Jam 2025. The feedback was good, so we spent a few days polishing it and adding an english translation. Hope you’ll like it!

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Cheap Bubble Toy Quest

Got 24370 on level 15 nice idea

I love the game But my wrist hurt so I don’t think I can finish it

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The 🤔 appear when I find only one move available.
However there is a bug where sometimes I mistakenly count a move several times. On top of that, one move can remove more than one possibility (for instance if a cell is used in more than one combination) or a move can reveal other moves.
I’m not sure it is a usefull feature, broadly, you can interpret it as the game is almost over, but maybe not.

Very fun!

is it normal that rythm doggo is upploaded on this page? it feels like you maybe uploaded it to the wrong gamepage.

This is very fun, I love the time constraint & the graph at the end!

banger song from the start. I’m sure it’ll not destroy my mind in one hour.

Congratulations 🎉 I’m glad you liked it as well as your dad ♥️

I get a lot of “too many request” since a few days. Is the site under an attack of some sort ?

Ah yes the local data set my bad you are right, good job

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Usually, teachers consent to teach, and get paid for their work. Here, you have a company building a software using source material it has not paid for and selling it to you.
Theses AI tools aren’t individuals who are learning, they are products developped by some of the biggest companies in the world.
In order to build the software in question, companies needs a country level of energy (and water). I don’t like unity and epic, but last I check, they didn’t directly subsidized coal plants, unlike the ai companies
Making games using those tools devalue the craft of making games on top of justifying bad actors against the climate crisis.

I understand the drive for using thoses tools, they seem cheap to use, but the costs is just deferred and we will all be paying it. Some of us have already started paying that cost and it feel sour when people are denying the obvious harms they already cause and the potential for future disaster they represent.

I often open itch and then immediately click on an item on the top bar (dashboard for instance)
and then I realized that some thing looked interesting in the game showcase. then I’m stuck refreshing the front page hoping that I can see that game again. having arrows to cycle the showcased game would be cool

I feel like having more info on where/how thoses numbers are computed would be helpfull, because I want to use theme to gauge interest in my games, but I feel they are unreliable as you pointed out.

Just finished my first run of the demo. I had some fun, but also, I didn’t really read the effect of the cards I bought. it felt like, I just should by every things that I can. Maybe I was lucky though There’s something satifying in this game, and the art is good

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Update 20 days later :
2,866 Browser Plays
7 Ratings
13 Collections
522 7d Impressions
1.15% CTR (6 clicks)

I don’t think the ctr is a good metric, the low volume means it swings widely with one user interaction

Wooo congrats ⭐

I’ve uploaded several build since that yesterday post, trying to improve the performance (it’s still laggy but it feel playable).

I’m also hunting for a bug where the game suddenly freeze mid game and is unplayable (the pause button disappear). I’ve got one player reporting it to me on chrome but with very few info and no repro I don’t know how wide spread the issue is

Tanks for the kind words :D I was thinking the other way around, the current illustration feel very pushy to me. I wonder if it doesn’t fit with the vibe of other games on itch.

Should be fixed

I noticed that their is some performance issues in the game now on less powerful devices :’)

it should appear if you’ve completed one game before

however, todays daily seems to be bugged and it doesn’t launch. I’ll search for a fix at noon

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I don’t know if this is a wanted behaviour,
I noticed that downloading from itch an apk of my own project is counted in the analytics even though I’m logged with the account that own the project.
I don’t think the other analytics are counted (I don’t see my own visits for instance)
This felt odd so I thought I should talk about it.

Cheers Anton

not far into it but this looks like my jam.

I have one issue though, I’m red/green colorblind so that makes the game harder for me to read. I would sugest some kind of feedback on the target tiles when a bug is selected to make it easier to read for all kind of colorblinds

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The name is seared into my mind, if it change, I will shed a tear.
I’ve checked and it’s not possible to get itc.hio or it.chio

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Released 22/09

1,790 Browser Plays
5 Ratings
11 Collections
1,704 7d Impressions
0.29% CTR (5 clicks)

The CTR is the worst of all my games. I though I had done a good job for my promo image, but I guess not. Thinking about re working the overal look to make it more appealing

Very good aesthetic image.png

It’s feeling a bit too easy, I feel a game of that era would have had a lot of mean traps (like falling through a floor, or a teleporting ghost)



Maybe dumb question but… have you considered just using canvas and typescript ? depending on what you want to make, this might be enough ?

In any case, I’m curious if you find an environment that fits your needs, because I think that would be very cool

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The other benefit is setting the planet on fire

Since those tools has been made using data collected without permission, you are also guarantying that you do not own anything made with theme.

If they become core to your development pipeline, be aware that openAI has already said they plan to increase the price at least two folds in the next couple of years. That’s a low estimate since they are set to loose 5Bn$ a year for the foreseeable future thanks to the huge energy cost of theses tech.

Theses are truly insane tools in the sense that they are dangerous both to you, your projects and the people around you.


je crois en toi, je suis sur que tu peux atteindre 72

Ah, I didn't know about this, I'll look into it, thanks =)

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looks dope, congrats on the release

If i may make a suggestion, I would remove or move the first gif. It flash a bit too much and it does not showcase the actual gameplay


I don't know much about cookie aside from the fact that I could use them as a save system for my web browser game.

Can I use theme of the game is embed on itch?

I would try, but I'm at work at the moment

In medium, the maximum score theoretically can reach
165 * 166 / 2 = 13695⭐

Assuming a perfect grid configuration and a perfect play