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A member registered Sep 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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because there is a way to have sex with Stephanie during your 8th weight stage if you follow a specific chain of events 

it is a character that appears later in the game, just keep playing and eventually they will show up

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😏, oh, you have no idea

Sorry to make you worry! I'm more than fine thanks  I just have a full schedule most weeks, so I don't really have time to answer questions on here all that often. I've  have made a point to not answer questions that have been asked and have already been answered before, or if they relate to when the next update is. I promise that I'm fine and that the update gets worked on when I have the chances to. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel  it shouldn't be too much longer. 

It will require a new save, but there is a bunch of new content that will be available through the game so it will be worth doing .

I'm not going to give an exact date, because I can't say for certain, but I'm getting close. There is a handful of things left to do, I need to finish off Beth and Stephanie's paths, and then write the ending. Once that is done it will be bug testing, and then release. If compared to how much I've already done it shouldn't be too much longer 

It's more of a personal thing. I have a list of things that I want to do and I've crossed off alot of it already. For me I would rather put out all the things that I want to in one lump sum rather than split it up over multiple smaller updates. As for the bug testing part, I do have people helping me behind the scenes already with that aspect. With future games I plan on doing smaller more consistent updates. But I set out with a specific goal for this update to be the last major one, and I plan to stick to that.

I have been working away at it whenever I have the chance to. Things have taken a bit of turn for me in the last month, having to move unexpectedly which slowed things down a bit. But to give you an idea of how much work has been accomplished so far. We were sitting at 190,000 words when the last update was completed. The game is now at 297,000 words, I am also sitting at 1700 pictures, from the 1000 of the last update. There is still work to be done. But I promise that the wait will be worth it. 

It sounds like you talked to Stephanie about the medicine, but during that scene she tells you that she won't give you her medicine, but then she directs you to purchase your own at the pharmacy in All foods, which gets unlocked through this conversation.

A few things with the Cici vore route are going to be reworked to make it easier for people to find girls as well as a hint system to help people who are struggling to

It can be acquired through either Cici Route, where it appears depends on what you choose to do at the end of the route. If you help Tiffany it will be in the lab, if you help Cici it will be in her alleywa

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Okay, so I am going to guess that you fast tracked your own weight gain as quickly as possible because that would likely explain what you are missing. Your 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th issue are all tied to the fact that you can't get back into the Curio. The way the code is currently set up is that if you didn't fatten the curio shop owner then you are stuck. If you didn't get the chance to buy the vials its because you didnt give the amulet to the shop owner. The code is going to be changed in the next major update to change this, but as for now you unfortunately have left yourself without the option to do these things. As for your 4th issue, Stage 10 for Aubrey will be her next weight stage for the upcoming update, it is not implemented in the game yet. And yes there are unique events tied to each of your potential love interests depending on who you choose to move in with.

There is going to be a couple of major new locations added, including a gym, a mall, as well as others, with some new NPC's, expansion of old NPC's, more events to come across during the game  and the conclusion of the story. I've made decent progress so far, but there is much left to be done.

You need to find someone on the running path in the park.

she will show up if you keep playing, you haven't missed anything, she just doesn't get introduced until one of the later weight stages 

The shower scene that you are talking about it part of the transition scene right before the end of the current content that will lead into the next weight stage. Depending on if you swapped the statue or not you will either get skinny Jamie or Chubby Jamie. The only dedicated scene for the WG path at the moment is the one where she brings up that she has been putting on weight. 

So what happened here is that the game is trying to get you to encounter the scene where Beth gives you her phone number , but in this current version that scene is only available at stage 4 and 5, so if you gained weight past that point without getting the number it's just going to keep making you encounter Beth, its a know bug. I was going to wait till the next version to patch it out, but I think enough people have encountered this problem that I will put out a small patch to address it.

So my idea is that you get one sandwich and then there are a couple girls you can choose between who you feed it to, depending on which you choose it will effect the ending of the game.

Currently, once you move on to a new weight stage you cannot go back to a previous one. That will be true of the game always since that is the goal of the main character. However, in the next update I am adding a gym which can be used to help you lose weight so that you can stay at a certain weight stage for longer if you so choose, along with other things do there, but I don't want to spoil too much.

Yes, you can check in on her and she will continue to grow for a while, but once she is at that point you have reached the end of her storyline.

She provided you with a vat, you need to supply food, which is ice cream. You need to go to the ice cream stand that appears after you have help Ophilia in the park and have taken her back home with you.

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Once you have had your confrontation with Tiffany that is mainly the end of the cici content, though you can get a bit more content out of her if you choose to feed her the perfect sandwich

The current weight that the content ends at is 680lbs/309Kg, but you can keep going past that point if you so choose

Yeah that's all that is in place for Stephanie for the moment, but I do plan on fleshing out her story more in the next update.

There is some, one of the characters is mostly focused on her breasts getting larger, and there is one NPC that you can cause instantaneous BE to, though the main content of the game is focused on weight gain, there is also an area later in the game that let's your character go through brief senarios that dabble into other fetishes, and BE is one of those as well. Plus one bad ending around it and another planned for the next update.

That path hasn't been implemented yet in game, it will be a part of the next major update.

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You just need to find someone who is petite.

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So what is happening is that you went past the weight stage that allows for you to get Beth's number, you can get it at stage 4 and stage 5 but past that point it doesn't work but the code is trying to get you to see the event that gives you her number, it will be fixed in the next major update, but for the time bein you are trapped in a bug, my apologies. 

you just need to give her a tip while you have a hot dog voucher on you, then you get an option to give her one.

Sorry but no, I'm not particularly into vore but I decided to add Cici into the game to allow for optional content for those people that do like it, no other characters in the game will participate in vore.

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Guitar girl is one of the NPC's you can run into by exploring the city

You can give a hot dog voucher to the mime if you tip her while one is in your inventory.

If you have the sandwich in your inventory and then try to give Lilly A vat of ice cream she will say that it wasn't enough for her  then you get the option to feed her the sandwich.

If you aren't getting the prompt from Ophilia about getting back in the shop it is because you did not get the store own to her third weight stage before getting too big to enter. Currently that is how the code is set up. Unfortunately there isn't a work around for that. I will be addressing that in the next update so that people can't get permanently lock out. Sorry about the inconvenience. 

Thank you for the report!

Hi! I'm glad you enjoyed the game enough to want to play it through Google translate, that's wild. Here is where all the ingredients are.

1. Perfect bagel acquired by giving the BE vial to the baker at Sweet Cravings once she is at her max weight from buying her donuts 

2. Wagyu beef acquired by giving the AE vial to the waitress at the buffet once she reaches her max weight from tipping.

3. Fresh greens gotten from Diane at Whole foods once you've helped her finally put on weight

4. Flavor Enhancer acquired by reaching the end of the confrontation between Cici and Tiffany

5. Fairy Dust acquired by feeding the fairy all the fruits that she wants qt the fountain. 

6.Homemade condiments are acquired from Sandra after you beat her for a third time in a hot dog eating contest.

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There is more for her, but you need to get the perfect sandwich in order to continue her path.

It is for the ritual

Okay, so you bought the amulet late into the game and now when you get the dream sequence you don't get a passage back to the morning. I see what happened, I didn't include a link that leads back to the morning of stage 9. That will be addressed in the next update. As for Ice cream, you collect it at the ice cream stand that appears in the place where the fountain used to be after completing the fairy stuff there. So you will need to do that in order to purchase the ice cream. 

If that was something that I had planned to do at the beginning then maybe, but retroactively going back and adding differnet variations of each scene with Aubrey would be just a gigantic amount of work, and would require me to alter scenes to reflect the change in her body. I think in a game of this size that it would be too much work. But I could easily see myself making a smaller scale game that utilizes such a mechanic 

I'm guessing that you saw the scene with Stephanie but missed that she told you to buy your own pills, you can get them at the grocery store in the pharmacy

The way the save function works is that it creates a document that tracks all the variables that have been accumulated through your playthrough. To load the game you just need to select the load game button and choose that file, and it will take you back to where you were at that point.