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Anxo Games

A member registered Mar 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hello dear friend how are you?

Our new screenwriter had a genius idea that transcended all our expectations of the original story! Our new screenwriter is a regular practitioner of the LAW OF ATTRACTION, her skills have raised our team's awareness to a new level! Naturally we had to make some changes to the game. She is an amazing woman! Our boss is very grateful to the universe for sending her to our team. Soon a DEMO will be available for all of us to enjoy the wonders of the LAW OF ATTRACTION force.

I hope you enjoyed this update friends, I'll be back with lots of news for you! Have a great day.

I did an update on the game. I hope this resolves.

I will look for a solution.

This is a problem with the website server.

Some of my game images are corrupted too.

Uploading images isn't working for me.  

Uploading images isn't working for me.  

The new update is now available.

I will update the project.

Waifu Dream community · Created a new topic FAQ
(5 edits)

What does 俺の嫁 (Ore no yome)  mean?

俺の嫁 is a word that a man utters mainly to an ideal woman (including fictional characters), among anime, manga, video game fans and so on.

According to "Basic knowledge of modern otaku terms that are embarrassing just to know," is defined as "mostly an expression of affection for fictional characters."



My friend, I hope you enjoyed this FAQ. Have a nice day and take it easy! Bye! 

My friend, I published a new version of the game. I hope you like it.

Thanks for your interest in the game.

Currently the game is under development and soon a playable demo is available.

This style is similar to the warioware game and I like it.

A tip to increase game page advertising is to put all the girls in one game.

This would make the page more visible and updated, making the gaming community more interested in the game.

About girls, my favorite is Alixia Busch however if you put a Japanese girl I would be grateful.

You can submit your game in some game jam.

Game jam in progress:

I liked the girl's panties. Do you know the Japanese culture about Panchira (パ ン チ ラ)?

Cleaning up sex toys looks interesting. I am interested in an underground culture about Mysophilia.

Mysophilia or Salirophilia is a sexual fetish or paraphilia that involves erotic pleasure in organic fluids containing salt. An example: sweat, saliva or urine of an attractive girl.

I liked the Dōjinshi images you used.

Can I use this sprite in commercial projects?

I made an update in the game. I hope the problem has been resolved.

I will check what is going on.

I have no one to talk about the game. If you have any ideas, I'll be glad to hear.

The game is still a prototype. I confess that I don't know exactly which direction to go.

Thanks so much for commenting. Dream and hope are important for a happier life.

Thank you for reporting this error. Currently the game is being redone and soon we will have new stories.

Waifu Dream community · Created a new topic Credits
(16 edits)

=============================== Ambient Music ===============================

Waifu Dream community · Created a new topic Comments
(2 edits)

You can clarify your doubts and comment something positive about the game.