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A member registered Dec 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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So, I wish there was more going on in this game,  it was kind of dull without a 'challenge'.  But what I'll give you some points on is the way the game looks is very nice, and different from other RM titles in the jam which is a major downside for me in a lot of these games.

I also didn't realize that I wasn't just being nice to the villagers, so the ran out of time ending completely surprised me. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention lol.  You get some points for that as well.  The theme is there, but it isn't front and center, so I don't know how I feel about it from that angle. Still, it's a solid enough game as far as how it is put together.

Ok. I have some feelings on this one.

First of all, your general premise is pretty good. The story was the best part of this, but I'm not granting full stars for an ending I wasn't able to reach, and you'll see why in a second.

Your glaring flaw here is gameplay. The line of sight mechanic, the stealth, all of that? I did not enjoy it. It took forever to get through the game this way, and it was wholly unforgiving and I did  not enjoy it. The only reason I    did  go the stealth route the whole time was the blatant, 'there will be consequences' and in my mind, a probable bad ending, or game over. 

I strongly feel that the line of sight mechanic was very unforgiving and obnoxious to deal with at times. Timing was really tedious and I restarted many times trying to figure out how to get past this ONE person. Especially if the stealth is what you INTEND for the player to do. If the bad end is indeed overindulgence, then this needs refinement, maybe a way to get out of trouble without combat being mandatory.

And this is before we get into the fact that I had to negate that choice entirely at the end. I will give you points on the part of informing me that has to happen, but I have to dock points on the grounds that playing the game 'as intended' still railroaded me into having to get that ending I was avoiding.

This would still leave you somewhat in a more positive experience if the fact that important information about combat wasn't missing entirely. To my surprise, there was a whole mechanic based around upgrading skills that I do not recall being mentioned.  I only remember a conversation about familiars. 

The fact that I only found out about:

  • The items that drop in combat let you upgrade.
  • You need 20 to upgrade, and you can't do it in menu.
  • One of the glowy portal things is the upgrade station.

At the end of the game is why I'm rating this  as low as I am for gameplay. I also got to presumably the last battle when I entered an endless death loop because I didn't have skills upgraded and couldn't out damage. There was also no apparent way to heal, so I couldn't win before getting curbstomped.  Dead end with no healing and being stuck in this position isn't the best feeling.

I will iterate though that you had very strong story scenes and general story premise. The one time I didn't like something was the random whimsical music in the dark pit segment. That was by and large it for negatives. I'd grant you a full 5 stars if I was able to experience the ending and it held up, but because I could not make it due to gameplay reasons and loss of will to continue through the game, and with no apparent way to heal, the most I'm granting is 4.

The way I rate games is entirely based on first impressions and what things *are* and while flaws were communicated in advance, I don't overlook them in my reviews.

To compress all of my long thoughts into a  TL:DR version:

You had a great story but the gameplay completely killed my mood for this game. If you went back and polished this after the jam, I'd consider playing that version and seeing how it stacks up.  But it needs work as it is now.

Thank you, we worked hard and there were several points the idea of  dropping out was put forth because of the technical issues. We persevered and we're just as impressed that we made it this far I think. 

I’m glad you like what you saw. If it crashes again, I would love a screenshot or text copy of what the error says so I/we can figure out if it’s game side or something to do with hardware of your machine. 

Hopefully you can actually get to see it for yourself, thank you for the feedback!

My rig for frame of reference is 16GB of RAM and is the least powerful machine of the 3 team members here. You'd need about my specs to have a decent play experience on this game. We also need to optimize the game once the game jam this was created for is over, and we'd like to do so especially to make lower spec computers able to run it as best we can.

However since this was made in Unreal and these games are intense on RAM to begin with, I cannot promise we can lower the minimum to your specs.

The issue with TAB is because the game is likely calling a defunct menu screen when you press that button. In theory just pressing again would restore control. If not, it's an issue we'll have to address when we're able.

We're taking note of all feedback, and once the jam is over we aim to make improvements before wrapping up development. I'm sorry you had a bad time with this one! 

Isso foi feito com o Google Translate. Lamento se não estiver correto, mas fiz o meu melhor.

Meu equipamento como referência tem 16 GB de RAM e é a máquina menos potente dos 3 membros da equipe aqui. Você precisaria das minhas especificações para ter uma experiência de jogo decente neste jogo. Também precisamos otimizar o jogo assim que o game jam para o qual foi criado terminar, e gostaríamos de fazer isso especialmente para tornar os computadores de especificações mais baixas capazes de executá-lo da melhor maneira possível.

 No entanto, como isso foi feito no Unreal e, para começar, esses jogos usam muita RAM, não posso prometer que podemos reduzir o mínimo às suas especificações. O problema com o TAB é porque o jogo provavelmente chama uma tela de menu extinta quando você pressiona esse botão. Em teoria, apenas pressionar novamente restauraria o controle. 

Caso contrário, é um problema que teremos que resolver quando pudermos. Estamos tomando nota de todos os comentários e, quando o game jam terminar, pretendemos fazer melhorias antes de encerrar o desenvolvimento. Lamento que você tenha tido uma experiência ruim, em geral somos completamente novos em jogos 3D.

The knives were designed by KV to hit you if you didn’t immediately get out of their way, but can be dodged. There’s only one I think that is virtually instant speed.

Yeah, the game for whatever reasons, just didn’t take to optimizing very well and I would like to explore the issue as part of post launch care. So especially on the average to lower machine mine included, it will run a bit slower than liked.

Thanks for letting me know about the glitches, it sounds like an issue with either the entity or something related to the finale. We’ve already got some fixes in the pipeline for after the jam.

Hi Abyssal, just wanted to let you know I've updated the game and there's lots of improvements now. It's a much  more confined and different scenario in the story and the saves won't work. I also tweaked all classes to be able to swap what weapon they are currently using, so now Striker can freely go from Bruiser and Pata styles as they like. You still have to equip the weapons, but now the flow is much faster. Have a good one!

Half of the available main character choices are not available at this time but will be available in the full release of the game. It's easier to just focus on four characters instead of having to do... all of them. The Female Fighter does technically exist and I have art for them, just not available yet.

As for the Striker bug, the issue is likely what weapon you are using. Striker has two weapon skill sets, the Gauntlet and the Pata, and if you have Gauntlet equipped you cannot use Pata Style, so on so forth. If you don't have either equipped, you likely can't use either skill set. If you are using either weapon, pressing I think the side arrow keys or a or d should allow you switch weapon when you're hovering over Attack. 

Striker is likely due for an overhaul (and not for the first time...), but let me know if none of these things fixes the problem, cause those are the immediate things that come to mind thinking about how the class works. An update is on the way soon that should fix a lot of issues.

I hope you enjoy it! I have a new overhauled demo in the works that I hope to have out in the coming weeks, but I hope you find value in what is up at the present. Let me know if there are any problems

I see nothing wrong with this. Hail the Purple Ooze overlords

My usual work hours are 8am-5pm central, and my scheduled days off are on Wednesdays and Thursdays. IDK if stream is still on or not, but wanted to let you know. 

Good luck, I won’t be able to make it more than likely, my work day starts in a few minutes. I will definitely watch the vod. Hopefully it treats you right!

Hope you enjoy if you do lol

I'm glad you are! Once all these changes are done, provided the feedback I get with this update doesn't merit immediate action, I hope to begin making advances towards what the full game will be like. There's a lot that Wina's Story does not tell you ;)

I certainly will do my best. It's certainly a pleasure working on the project, I'm looking forward to building it up into the main game form as time goes on.

Oh my lord I wish I could be there. I will definitely try and see the vod if you keep them. I have two hours to go before work is off, but thank you so much for covering the game! 

Is there any chance that you can be specific about what you didn’t like regarding the dialogue? Examples and context matters. I am glad that you enjoyed the game in some respects.

Found several major bugs in the game, patch is planned but it might take a few days to disable the in development storyline and patch the original progression up. A devlog will be released when it's ready to go.

Fighter - The most effective use of the Fighter is to utilize the Charge Blade option.

This charges your TP and grants a buff to attack and defense. This can stack, allowing the player to charge up twice and hit twice as hard as they would normally. This replaces Guard, and doubles as an aggro pull.  This allows them to serve as a tank. They are not as strong against magic so be wary.  Currently in development is a combo system that will allow the Fighter to utilize the stun of the Shield Bash skill, as well as numerous others skill types for more dynamic combat.

Ritualist - The Ritualist is fairly combo heavy, unlocking new combos is the core of improving their burst damage. Unlike most mage classes Ritualists are poor at speedy damage but rather building up ailments and dots. Their ultimate skills becomes incredibly destructive when you make proper use of the ailment multiplier that the ultimate skills utilize. For the starting rotation, Minor Curse stacks, and when you build enough tp, use Dioxios to wield maximum damage. 

The minor damage skills do not normally generate TP, making it less optimal to use pure damage skills.

More class tutorials to come.

If you would like an explanation of a certain aspect of the game please feel free to ask here!

I finally completed the big centerpiece tile project for the new dungeon.  Still work in progress elements but the dungeon is making impressive headway.

From time to time I feel the inspiration to ask the community for names for certain NPCs. This time, I have the Trainer NPCs who need some names. The order of characters are: Fighter, Striker, Mage, and Hunter. I already have an idea for the Mage, but I'll allow suggestions for him as well. I'll respond with new opportunities like this in the future. Would love your input!

Side note, Cosmos Raid will be last update before the Story Demo, no est on story demo release at this time.

oh lord in heaven the cement is gross but it was nowhere as painful as I feared. My dentists really seem to know their stuff.

Dentist appointment and possibly a rough one. No idea if I will want to game dev or just relax afterwards. An hour long but probably going to suck and feel like more.

After Zecil's latest stream I have decided to shift priority to quality of gameplay assurance and I'm spending time whacking issues on the head. Seems like bugs I thought I fixed in underworld have gone unresolved. I'll be addressing them and then working on improving the game's difficulty balance. I'm going to be possibly doing a crunch of the Player's stats in the hope of increasing difficulty by slowing down their power level.

I'll be doing a lot of monster/boss related work as well to add a lot more stuff to do, but need to make sure this quality stuff gets knocked out.

I'll be dividing this into multiple sections as this will have a lot of different boss types to find. All the same, enjoy!

Main Story



Necromancer Den 

Challenge Rating: Level 8 and no skills: Hard, may be doable with appropriate skills.

Recommended Skills: Ignis or any of the Ignis family of abilities, Glimmer, Punish, Spiritblade, Ki Strike, Blazing Impact, Searing Arrow

Loot: Phylactery (Raises Max HP, MP, and Magic Defense for 5 Turns, Restores HP and MP to full, and permanently increases max health and mp by ten points when used.)

Congrats Hawk, you've made a remarkable step that some never get to.


When updating your game, save the new version separately and copy your old save data to the new folder. Once you have verified that the save data works, it is safe to clear the old game file.

And before I forget: Doggy! :D


Been too long since we had a funny clip. ...DON'T WORRY! I got some! My fluffball causes my demise, and a boat sails on land. ...Wait wut?

Watch The Cat Drops In (And Gets Me Killed) from Aodlegacy on

Just letting you all know that I am holding off the devlog because I am hoping that I can get the base update ready tonight or in the next day or so. 

Stay tuned...

This takes the cake for one of my saddest/stupidest moments as a dev. 

Watch Death Curse Bug Fixing: I'M AN IDIOT from Aodlegacy on

Just letting you guys know that I completely blanked on the fact that it’s Friday. I will try and get the Weekly Devlog up today but I imagine it will be noon before I get it out.

Update: My checkup is going to require two separate visits one this year and one next, but the immediate future says we won't have too much to worry about in terms of interruptions quite yet.

10 - 22 -19

Health issue while grand scheme not severe has come up that may hamper progress. I'll be getting it sorted in the morning (hopefully) and we'll have to see how the rest of the day goes. Hoping to do a game dev stream but that's likely up in the air at this point. Just wanted to give a quick heads up. It may or may not impact how much progress comes up in the next Weekly Devlog, we'll see.

Underworld maps are underway. Currently building the Bone Dunes, one of several areas of the Underworld map. I'm imagining a few more maps before I am done with Bone Dunes and I start working on the areas just before Death's boss room.

Finished a WIP of the Introduction sequence of SR:MT.  More polish is required, but it's a good start. Next up is work on the Underworld Dungeon and getting its story done, leading up to the first Death boss fight.

But for now, enjoy the video!


No Weekly Devlog was done because nothing except IRL stuff was getting done. There will be one for this upcoming weekend, stuff is getting back on track.