Edit:I guess you found another teamate.Anyways good luck.
Hello i also use Unity ,it would be nice to be in a team for once.My time zone is GMT+3.This is my 4th jam but i am not that good.I would be glad to join your team.
Hello Prakul2006,this is my 4th jam.I have not been in a team at a gameJam before.I use Unity Engine but i am not that good.My time zone is GMT +3.
I would like to join your team.
What type of game do you plan to make?
Edit:Its a day before the jam and you have not replied yet so i will try to find another team.Gl HF
Thanks , i appreciate a lot the details of your review!!
-When the player jumps I decreased the speed of the player a bit so you don't have much control while in air ,I think that gave you the feeling of rewinding faster.
-It never occurred to me that the game may be difficult
When I was playtesting it with my friends every one could beat it in around 10 minutes.However the jump after the second coin, they did find it tricky.I chose to leave it in the game because when I asked them in the end they told me it was their favourite.But just to be sure I added a hint if you died 4 times And I put a checkpoint before the jump
I don't know why the checkpoints didn't work
Anyways, for the next jam I should focus a bit more on level design because the difficulty was unintended
Again thank you for playing my game,and I am sorry for not being able to play yours
Hey man I am on vacation so I can not play your game rn.It would be great if you give some feedback to my game tho.(if you are not exhausted with all that rating)Anyways have a good time
In my game every time you jump time is reminded hope you enjoy:https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-4/rate/723361
Just Rated
If i undersand correctly its a memory game that you have to remember how the sticks fall so you will not move other sticks
I think it lacks a bit on the fun department because it feels a bit random when you beat a level
Anyways good luck to your next projects i hope you enjoyed /enjoy the jam
The graphics were on another level (means really good)
and one of the few games on the jam that had such an interesting plot
I played for 20 minutes but i didnt find the last clue, i will play more later
I will maybe suggest it to one of my friends who likes that kind of games so i will definitely keep it on my pc
Maybe you should add a main theme i think that part was lacking a bit
Good luck on your next projects
Thanks for your reply i have found this tutorial it helped me (after the jam ended):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KiK0Aqtmzc&t=362s
Here is my game:https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-4/rate/723361
If you have any suggestions post them on my page
Also post your game so i can rate it too!!
Edit:I tried rating as many games as i can today . Tomorow i will leave for summer vacation and where i am going will not have internet so i wont be able to rate more games ,i hope you understand . Good luck
Here i hope you have fun :https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-4/rate/723361
There are so many nice games ,congratulations Jammers!!!
Rated your game
I liked the music
I would want a bit more gameplay
Here is my game:https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-4/rate/723361