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A member registered Dec 03, 2019

Recent community posts

Love the idea of settlement building, as a way to make a home, or stronghold, or simply help out NPCs 

Nice thought process for creating a specific type of beast, but could be applied to other monster development.

love the dungeon generator and the time limit on the adventure

Simple and I always appreciate a useful 1 page delve

love the concept and flavor

I can see running this setting for a handful of sessions within a larger campaign, or as a short shot. Feels fully realized with plenty of freedom to adjust as needed.

Love me a flow chart. It seems more for narrative purpose than mechanical, which is think is great for new players looking to build out an arcanist.

Seems well put together and easy to reference even if the players don't go in the exact numerical order of rooms. The only note is for area 5 (I've seen the other comments on that too) and a quick clarification for the intent of the teleportation runes as part of a larger dungeon, or as a pathway to another segment of the adventure.