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Arcadia Adair

A member registered Dec 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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beautiful story, and charming art!

Wow! this one was short, but quite stylish and sweet!
I'm a bit of a sucker for MS paint style art, and xtmva clearly has a good eye for design. I mean this next part in the nicest way, but it looks like all the art was done in an hour or under. Every tool used, every choice made is brisk, utilitarian, but its not made without care. Some things are a little askew, and the default renpy gui is left untouched, giving a sense that this project was scrawled into existence. This seems a little at odds with the colorful world described in the text, something that feels like it was an excerpt from a larger story. I particularly enjoyed the rhythm of slice of life, interrupted by two poetic segments. Where the slice of life quickly established the hard facts of the story, the poetry brought the inner experience of the main character to life, and both wove together to make my heart beat a bit harder by the end. good work!

It happens in space, and you get to romance Wolf Od- I mean, Lupis McArthy, so it's already a winner in my book. I wished there was any music or sounds at all. i wouldn't have minded a creative commons track ive heard a million times, it was just a little barren feeling without any sound. I did like the title art, and Lupis's scrungly little sprite. I particularly enjoy this depiction of Lupis being a remorseful ex-pirate. Like, he's not entirely sorry, and he thinks fondly about his history with that, but there are some crimes that weigh heavier on his mind. overall, i think its a nice balance between fluff and angst, very sweet little story. no i did not read the other guy nor was i interested to :P. i missed whatever amenities the ship had cuz i was under the impression you could go back later, but i guess they werent important.

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Bowser Puma has been talkin' my ear off about this, so it was a high priority read for me, and he was so right about this. While I havent fully read through Konpeito's previous works, I've seen enough to know that he writes compelling dramas. School drama stuff isn't really my speed these days, but as previously stated, Bowser wont shut up about these, and I knew it would at least be entertaining, if not a genre i particularly enjoy.

I'm very happy to have had my expectations so thoroughly overcome. I'm Now the School Delinquent's Lover, but I Want Out!! Starts strong with an interesting premise. The title, though ostentatious in the way only anime can be, sets the core question, and it only gets more interesting as it plays out. Akuma, the titular delinquent, seems to have genuine feelings for our main character, Haruto. Meanwhile, Haruto is simultaneously too scared of Akuma to stay with him, and too much of a coward to back out of the relationship, giving him just enough time to see that maybe Akuma isn't such a bad guy after all? The ensuing 'will they, wont they?' had me clapping my paws and bouncing in my chair. I laughed and surprisingly, given the light tone of it, I cried as well!

(oh, theme implementation, i gave 4 stars cuz i thought it was a good implementation for what you were going for, putting it in as a line for "expanding time" spent in the relationship. I thought it was a weird wording, but it folded into the vibe of the VN very well, and for that i think its a pretty good implementation, thought maybe it could have been better.)

Hat's off to you Konpeito. I'll def be keeping a closer eye on your work after this!

"Also there are numerous thing that could have disabled the code, deleting it entirely was not one of them."

Please do not condescend me. I will say, that I poked around in that code for a couple hours trying to find ways to disable it aside from deleting. The point is, that i had to open up the code at all if i wanted to actually read this.

I have spent enough time here already. I'm going to move on to the other may wolf projects, and I'll come back to this when it's updated and actually ready to be played.

I looked into this because Unagi put one of my characters, and many other FVN wolf characters in here. The idea of a big crossover is interesting, so 3 stars for that.

I would love to comment on literally anything else but the game refuses to be played past a couple of dialogue boxes. I tried waiting some hours when I learned it was a fake crash on a timer, which honestly I think is infuriating enough to get someone to put it down for good there, So I'd say I gave it more than a fair chance.

So much so that in fact I did continue to reload from the auto save that is created every time the fake crash happens, even when that happened after every single line of dialogue, for more attempts than I cared to count. The fake crash was so ever present that I barely remember any line of dialogue, because i was too concerned with clawing myself forward through this thing that seems like it doesn't want to be seen.

I wanted to give the story itself a fair shake so bad that I looked through the code, removed the fake crash screen, and the label that calls the crash screen, and still, the VN does not function.

This is a story that does not want to be read, as a piece of art in an of itself, that's an interesting premise, but as an entry to a game jam where the goal is to tell a story, it is a book that closes itself at random. I feel like I wasted my time, and I am utterly disappointed.

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I'm glad you are enjoying it, and I'm also glad you are yearning for more intimacy between the leading couple uwu that's how I know I'm doing my job right!

whatever comes next, at least Dawn and Darlow will be facing it together! >w<

tag yourself, I'm the boar on the plane lmao. I found it funny how you are setting up the MC's taste in this moment, but also more generally the respect he has for other peoples bodies. it was a nice moment.

hahaha! so evil with the many thanks.
im also laughing so hard at "the event fortold"!!
and as always im glad HFTL is getting you into this thoughtful mood. I'm glad my work was able to do that for you.

hell yeah! I'm lucky to have some very talented friends. i cant wait to use their voices more :3

I'm glad you enjoyed it! :3

Neon Stars is a friend of mine who put some spacey instruments on a midi file for me. he does not make or upload music anywhere. sorry! I am glad you are enjoying HFTL tho :3

happy my feelings could reach you even without any psionic technology, lol! I'll continue to work hard to bring everyone the rest of HFTL

Thanks for the well wishes <3

Hahahaha! sweet kazoo boy, you are always so goofy even when you are being genuine, <3 thanks for being a friend.

I'm glad it resonated with u uwu. Happy new year!! :3

I'm glad you are enjoying HFTL :3 happy holidays~

wee! im so glad! hope you have fun with it, and check back in later this month for the update ;3

just wanted you to know i read this on the train on the way to MFF. Your sweet and heartfelt message was a great way to start my journey off!

Happy i could get you hooked even though scifi isnt ur fav :3 I'll keep working hard to make it as good as i can!

I'm happy to hear you are enjoying my work so much! I'll do my best to keep it coming in a timely manner! :3

true! leaning towards the discord server side with a reminder in the rules that like its behave or this place disappears lol


I'm happy you're still enjoying it :3 and thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm already partying a lot this month :P

I'm glad I was able to introduce you to her work! some of my favorite music of all time :3

sorry about that! i fixed it now

uwu thank you again for the kind words hehe. yes this was a very hurt/comfort flavored chapter haha. Nothing better than a nice round belly for your woes.

Always excited to see more scifi furry VNs, so I've been waiting for this to drop! I'm interested to see where this story goes. :3

a friend of ours knows Portuguese and wanted to make one!

<3 I'm very happy you had such a special experience with our work, and I'm sure the rest of the team feels the same. <3

omg! the damned accessibility button >< ill get someone to help me with that for the chapter 14 update

dawwee im glad you enjoy it enough for a re read!

instant classic. super fun. new FVN i show to my buds outside of the scene

Unagi's unique vision never ceases to absolutely floor me. even the ugliest parts of TATWIOYBOTAG feel essential to the look and feel of the abomination. While I think some elements could be refined to make my eyes bleed less, I found myself charmed by the awful giant block of a gradient that makes the textbox, and how it framed the character sprites as they move around the scene. Not to mention, the wacky vfx i have come to expect from unagi are all on point here, everything felt right! (minus the cobbled together Preston sprite but... it wasn't so terrible that it ruined my ability to appreciate the character.)

Honestly though, the real star of the show is the concept of a world where people can twain, and Preston can't. The consequences this have for language, culture, and Preston as someone who isn't able to split are deeply interesting. I also just, like- have never felt more seen in Unagi's work. the intersection of disability on a physical and mental level, and even the vaugely trans feelings of a sense of self that is in conflict with the world gives me a perspective character that I feel like I can truly understand, and who navigates this alien world in a way i feel i might too.

Unagi's other VN,  IBUWHIP already won my heart, but TATWIOYBOTAG ripped it out of my chest and held it hostage. You better finish this as soon as the jam is over cuz I NEED more!

(also im going to destroy you for that opening. It was perfect.)

Purkka is right, this is incoherent at best if your not in on the joke, however,  I am absolutely part of the intended audience. While i typically am not a fan of art that is intentionally bad, esp when it is in reflex to the artists insecurities, It's clear that MOWolf was lovingly crafted to make a few people laugh. I'm so happy that chukk pushed through and finished this abomination that only a mother could love. (bonus points for the genuinely harrowing plotline of being coerced into sex via HOA

This is a cute VN, had a great time with it. A lot has already been said here that I agree with, so I'd like to focus in on something that I feel like is one of the highlights of this that hasn't gotten a lot of attention.

spoilers past this point for anyone who hasn't read yet.

So Ray is implied to have died in a car accident at the end. This death comes out of nowhere, and leaves the MC with regrets like not saying he loved him back during their last conversation. This rubbed me the wrong way on a first look, because there isn't any set up for this moment, and other stories that do this feel like they are just trying to get a cheap shock out of me. Taking a step back and considering other choices in the work, there is a moment early on where you can essentially get a premature bad end. If you chose not to go to the cafe, you'll never meet your wolf. Ignoring the fact that you can change the course of time in a flashback, (which is wild) I feel this what if scenario is important to what I consider the core theme of this work: every little choice you make is important.

It's as simple as where you choose to go, or what you choose to say, or to not say. The way our lives unfold can't be predicted, so It's important to keep that in mind if you want to live without regrets. While the way this message is delivered is pretty non-standard, It feels like a short story visual novel was the perfect way to do this, perhaps one of the only ways to make such a narrative and have it feel good.

overall, great work!

this was very cute. nice speedo. my wolf is literally an angel, which is both to the credit of the story and one of its biggest drawbacks.

make less references rag

challenge: impossible

bwehehehe but you see, i DID have to make them so adorable, i would accept nothing less!