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A member registered Jul 18, 2020

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Is this your first Daniel Mullins game?  Because generally typos aren't mistakes.

I don't think a Digimon's happiness should be reset all the way.  Or have damage tied to happiness.  Or maybe just not have that punishing of a detriment when Digivolving.  Like I said, it feels bad when you've gone through the hard work to Digivolve a Digimon and it basically gets reset.  Digimon progression should naturally feel like you're also progressing.

Preface:  I am playing the most current Android APK.

A couple criticisms.
I'm not sure of why there are so many "bonuse conditions" or "detrimental conditions" when training your Digimon.  By that, I mean I don't understand the purpose of making the game clunkier.  There are too many icons and training conditions that one has to remember, if they want to choose the ones they want for specific Digimon.  You don't need to dumb it down, but you do need to consolidate these bonuses.  Some of them are really similar.  And I'm sure there is a purpose to them.  But just because there are more, doesn't make it more complex.  It is tedious to try to remember what does what.  Now, if you don't want to consolidate these training conditions and bonuses, you can instead leave up a legend on the sides of the screen when you tap it for the training bonus you want.  At least this way, people don't have to remember what every icon does.  If you've played Monster Rancher, even though your monster can have multiple different training bonuses, they're all very easy to remember what is what.

I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug or not.  Let me first with that I don't know how you coded stat numbers.  But, I am positive you have it on some weird scaling.  I've had Champions who can fight on equal grounds with Ultimates; but as soon as they digivolve into an Ultimate, with higher stat numbers, they're now just dealing less than ten damage per attack to the same difficulty Ultimate they were previously dealing hundreds of damage as a Champion.  This is so annoying.  Again, I don't know if this is a bug, but it is so tedious to train a Digimon, and then even with higher stat numbers, they're now weaker.  You have to have these stat numbers make sense and consistent.

Update, got to FLOOR 13 and still not a full backpack.  What?  I don't mind the death, but having reached the Floor 9 boss and still be behind two levels, and then Floor 13, meaning I beat the Floor 13 boss, and somehow still not have a full backpack.  Seriously?

OK, I've been through multiple runs.  And this keeps happening.  In the older version by the time I got to Floor 9, I would have a full backpack.  I have been fighting all the enemies, and somehow I never get enough exp for a full backpack by Floor 9.  Is this how it is supposed to be now?

Game is much more difficult, and I don't know why.  The previous rendition at least allowed someone to get to Endless, and that's where the true difficulty should begin.

Also, some changes to items are weird in design choice.  Take, Cleansing Flame, it used to just remove enemy thorns and recovery; but now it removes all status effects on the enemy, including the debuffs you put on them.  With one item, you turn off your own poison, slow, weakness, etc... on the enemies.  Why would you change this item this way?  Like, I understand some balance changes that allowed players to abuse like the Hercule Pavise.  But I don't understand what the purpose is to have an item that removes your own applied debuffs to the enemies.  It is a relic, so you have to beat a boss for it.  There is still an RNG to maybe get it.  It wasn't such a crucial item that it was required on all builds.  And that's just one of the instant new gripes I have with the new version besides difficulty.

There is a bug that happens when you go to a merchant, but you have not clicked on them yet to access the store.  If you start rearranging items, the merchant will take gold from you, but not restore it if all you did was move items around.

(1 edit)

Start from there Green Arrow. Follow it as it points from arrow to arrow, until it leads to an empty space against a wall. Click on that space.