I figured, but I wasn't really sure because of how this comes with a steam key. I was worried you'd have to pay store fees twice or something.
Recent community posts
I enjoyed this quite a bit so far. I'm not sure I found everything there is to find yet. (I havent' figured out what the water or the detention slip can be used for yet, for instance.) But I like the premise, and the main characters seem interesting. I only think that the brother should also be sending updates about his conquests. And I'd also like some more scenes between them just generally if the idea is that they are supposed to eventually get along, which I hope they do. Looking forward to see what your plan is with the adventurer guild stuff.
I quite like it. It reminds me of Metroid 2 with the sense of humor of the Binding of Isaac guy. I really wish I didn't have to hold down run for the entire game. May it's different on a controller, but on the keyboard, my index finger is cramped. (and I have seen no reason to walk once you get run, so why not just increase our speed?)
But yeah, great game reminds me of the sorts of treats you'd get in the Kongregate days.
I just looked you up and I have to say I really enjoyed Let's Meat Adam! (it's one of only 2 adult games I ever bought. the other was Coming Out on Top). I loved the riddles in Let's Meat Adam. (I wish there would have been a few more sex scenes though) I'm going to have get Let's Meat Adam 2 now. I didn't know it existed. :)
I ...think I finished the game. i never saw my brother again after we left the dagger in the tree and the dagger still doesn't have blood on it, so I'm not sure. Anyway, I'm not sure what else there is to do.
I think instead of finding new bows, maybe you should find "bow upgrades". After I found the best bow it was a bit disappointing to find so many worse bows.
There's a chest in a cave in the ice area that seems like maybe it's a puzzle or maze of some sort to reach it. there's an open doorway, but when you go through it, you can't see where you are anymore, but it also doesn't seem to go back very deep. Can you get this chest? is it an error?
another minor error is I got the horse and armor for Johannes before I got the letter, so i never got any dialogue about what the horse and armor was for.
Overall I think the map is interesting, but there's not much to do on it and none of the enemies pose any challenge. I really liked your last game with all puzzles, I hope as you develop this one, we'll get to see some of the same kinds of things.