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Thanks a lot also. Yeah I've experience that bug of falling and not dying, lol, I thought I fixed it, but I see that I didn't haha. Definitely will do some more Jams!

Thanks a lot. Definitely basic. I'm not really into Platformers, so didn't have the heart for the game, was more of a see if I could do it. Didn't want to put more time into a genre that Isn't my cup of tea.

Thanks a lot!

Thank you very much. And yeah good point about the mouse, I just used the default PlayerInput, I probably should have changed it, haha

Thank you, I was quite happy when I actually managed to make him stick to the moving platform, lol

Very cool. Was actually playing and hoping there was a boss, and there was. Love the farmgirl with guns. Got killed by the Dog Turret, don't like them! lol. Awesome job

Very well done, liked the falling brick things, and the ending was unexpected.