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A member registered Sep 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice mechanics! Pickup might be visually confused with blocking boxes.

Best friend group ever, I’m jealous as well.

Nice game! Almost 3 cans and scored around 7700!

I think the hardest part is when bean and green mixed together, when they don’t mix you can easily light push green and hard push bean.

Wholesome Game!!

Nice little game! I was kidna confused first, thought the “changes” are relative to previous level, but actually the first level haha. Beat the game 60s!

The You Died screen was so sudden that I hesitate a bit clicking confirm everytime! :D

Nice physics and distortion shader! The ball goes extremely slow after multiple rounds though and the speed didn't come up :O, maybe randomized speed?

Hi LtCoyote, thanks for playing this game! Yes one of the mistakes I made during this jam is that I spent too little time on level designing (I remember that I didn't sleep on the last day of the jam, spent 16 or 18 hours that day developing haha). The sound/noise system in this game actually works like:

1. The zombies/ghosts chase the last sound they hear, or when the player gets too close, they start to chase the player.

2. The sound circles would reach their real radius except the footsteps, which was a bit too distracting when I set it to reach the full radius instead of currently radius / 2.0, I think a better solution would be to decouple the opacity with the circles' lifespan, but unfortunately didn't have enough time to implement.

3. The Lift and Battery Charger emits sound periodically (currently 5 seconds), so they would only attract zombies when there are yellow circles.

4. The zombies can actually pass each other, I think it's kinda cool and would make them more scary and ghost like. Byproduct is they will congregate next to a sound source, especially if the sound source is static, I think maybe some random variation could solve this.

Glad you find the game atmospheric :D ! Audios really makes a difference on games! I think the invisible zombies add to the tension as well.

Part of the reasons why I make jam games, to be honest, is to prototype game ideas and to see if they are suitable for a complete game. If you are interested, I'd like to hear your opinions on how to expand these mechanics as well. I think the game lacks some vital gameplay elements. Currently if I'd expand on this game, I'd add more player progressions, maybe base building, like collecting resources ( maybe Loot System? ) to build things like Spot Light which can also detect zombies, or defence robots/turrets, etc.

And about the next/future games, currently I am thinking about experimenting with emergent gameplay, and making roguelikes again, which probably saves the headaches of level designing.  Maybe port some mechanics, and focus on gameplay instead of programming. I used to be afraid of players getting too powerful / go out of the intended way, but now I think it should be encouraged, I want to add a ton of powerful and different abilities for players to freely combine in the next game! Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the kind words! The sound system is the first thing I implemented in this game, I think it raises tension pretty well incorporated with Light Only Zombies, glad you like it! :)

Thanks for playing! Yea I spent too much time on system implementations and left only some hours for level design and playtesting, my initial plan is to (maybe procedually generate) some indoor rooms with corridor and open grounds, and gradually introduce battery charging in first level, using grenade to draw enemies' attentions at second level... Currently I guess I will tweak the existing levels and maybe add some levels between Tutorial and Resident, glad you like the noise system! :)

This jam seems to be unranked, I think constructive feedback is more valuable than general scores ;)

In the last Jam I did, I followed a thread full of people offering to check out each others submissions,
So I'll do it here. Come play mine, and if you want I'll check out your game too!

If you don't mind, I mostly leave comments directly in game page, I think it encourages discussions.

Chill jam community · Created a new topic Ranked Jam?

Since this is called "chill jam", I thought it would be chill...

Thanks jaxrohr13! ;)

Thanks for the kind words lupercalia! Guess we(I) achieved that "one more round" feeling ;) , glad you enjoyed it! :D

Really fun game! Mechanics are very suitable for 20 seconds!
Sometimes hard to pick desired object when multiple objects are nearby, but that's part of the challenge I think ;)

(1 edit)

Nice timer, graphics and music! although at first I thought the game are still playing... turns out it auto starts when you click the vegetables ;)

Nice game, took 3 times to beat the evil king ;) (10 > 2), I thought the 7 seconds to place means the enemy starts attacking, then I get frustrated when I cannot place mushrooms when there's space avaliable. I found the space for placing mushrooms a bit small actually, I think it maaaybe more strategic If we have more time to place mushrooms, and the ability to rotate the placement.

and like the handrawn text animation!

Fun game, nice concept, music is really immersive.

Randomness plays a big role at scoring though, sometimes the player spawns directly above a booster and the clock just starts. My highest score is 5 digits and it's basically auto playing from booster to booster to booster after the initial drag launching (it feels good, to be honest, when the cat flying at warp speed), then sometimes there're really not enough initial boosters to gain speed, and players cannot preview where are the boosters to aim and launch for.

Thanks for playing!! Yeah I found it working surprisingly well on touch devices, I will probably update the game post-jam to enhance mobile experience.
You can move barrels around even when the menus are shown, it's actually by design ;), we thought it would be fun to be able to move things when the clock is not ticking, as well as giving the player ability to still see/interact/screenshot her last game, making the menu screen more dynamic, and it's part of the reason why the menus are small actually.

Thanks for playing!! Yea the idea comes from a physics factory game I was prototyping, then things gone wrong and everything starts flying ;)

That's what game jams are for! Here's ours!

I will play and leave a comment to as many games as I possibly can as well!