Hello Michelle, how can I contact you by email?
Argyx Games
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Thank you again for your message. Great concepts you have here, I will have a closer look at them. It's quite extraordinary to see the power of music on narrative inspiration and the resurgence of real emotions, even when the memory is an invented one. Btw, we are collecting games for an anthology, and some of your creations might be a good fit: how would I reach you by email?
Here you go: https://argyxgames.itch.io/manifeste-pour-une-creation-de-jeux-en-pleine-conscie...
(I've added a little layout to the PDF version :)
Just finishing up the reading, ready to test the game:) One quick question: isn't there a typo in the rules regarding the stances? Ox>Wolf>Bear>Ox should read Ox>Wolf>Bear>Fox
Also, Ox,Wolf,Bear>Fox seems redundant, doesn't it?
Also, shouldn't Ox, Wolf, Bear be beaten by at least one stance? Otherwise why not use them each time? (or maybe I misunderstood something).