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At the end after we met your master, where it said that he smacked our head with something, there's an error just after the part that basically says since the sun is setting, we are ready to hit the hay. The only criticism I have is the lack of a page that states 'hey this is the end of the demo.' I thought something went wrong on your end, like something in thw code was typed in wrong. I wouldn't have know that was the end of the demo if I didn't went to the comments. Other than that I did like what I had read though.
For me the font color is like an off white, and is almost blending in with the white background. There's nothing stopping me from reading this when I can get to the library with my laptop, so there's no rush. I just need to take into consideration that I'm having troubles with my cellphone provider ever sense they switched to a 5G network earlier this year. Things are probably not loading correctly because of it.
The one thing critique I would give it, is that the background is not mobile friendly with how similar the font color is to it. It could be just my phone not wanting to completely load everything. Don't get me wrong, I'm still trying to read it by highlighting the words, but with bad eyes it's hard to read. Maybe have an option to switch to a dark mode, or darken the font a bit, if it is possible. I will refresh my phone to see if anything loads more.