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A member registered Oct 04, 2016 · View creator page →

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Great game. I a little bit too hard for me. But I do suck at these types of games. Overal really good job

Ya, We had planned to do some sound, but even with what we had we barely got the game finished and uploaded a few minutes before the deadline. Glad you liked the game though. 

Oh no all of those people, destined to be alone forever :'(

We shall pray for them. 

Thanks. It was quite fun to make too. Glad you like it. :D

Ya, the Bola didn't quite turn out as intended. If you play it for a while you can get quite good at capturing people with it, but it still feels a lot like luck even then. Very finicky mechanic in the current state. Thanks for the feedback :D

I can't believe I didn't think about adding ways to change people's movement while I was making this. They do have some methods that cause them to go a bit closer together, but other than that they just wander. That would've definitely added more gameplay possibilities. Thanks for the feedback. Also, adding more than just 3 types of popups for different joins and adding more than just 2 people would be cool. 

I agree, the games only really fun for the first few minutes you're playing it. Thanks for the feedback :D

Really cool idea, good job

Ya, I didn't end up getting around to any tutorial for this one. Space is to pick up the coins, I was originally going to have walked over them pick up but then you'd just pick up coins right after dropping them which was causing issues. 

I'm glad you liked it. Sound and music would definitely make it better, but I don't really know what I'm doing when it comes down to that part. I gotta just work on it and actually do sound design for one of these jams XD

Really cool concepts, and cool game too. If you want to remove the blur from the pixel art. Go to the import settings and uncheck blur, then reimport.

Ya, I need to start actually adding sounds into my game, they're all just kind of silent at the moment XD. 

Thanks for the feedback

Ya, that was an issue I was finding, I wanted to make the hero become really strong and keep trying to kill you, but I didn't want it to be impossible. It kind of just goes on too long without anything really changing. Thanks for the feedback. 

I'm glad you liked it. That was honestly the hardest part to do about this game. The gold kept wanting to fall through the player for the first few days. I'm glad I was able to get it working though and I'm glad you liked it :D

I'm glad you liked it. Sadly I'm no good with audio and I started running out of time so I ended up just putting it out there as is. :D

I don't wanna say you're lying, but I find those scores kind of hard to believe without any sort of proof (screenshots) especially for a first-time run. Unless they're any scrap runs instead of all scrap runs, I could see those scores for first runs in that case. 

Then again, you could have found a way to move quicker than me. 

Really cool game. I personally hate the keyboard controls, and playing on a controller feels a lot less responsive than on a keyboard for some reason. Other than that, it's great :D 

I would also, love to get nominated XD

Oh, I was thinking it was browser conflict issues, but I'm using chrome too. Odd. I guess I'll just have to look into it see what I did wrong. 

If the wall doesn't have the bright stuff it doesn't have any friction and you can't use it to move because of this if you have any movement you keep the movement which causes you to move pretty slow sometimes. I didn't really tell the user in anyways how it worked though so it definitely needs work XD. 

The audio works when I play it, but a couple of people said it wasn't working for them. Mind if I ask what browser you're using so I can prevent this problem in the future?

Glad you liked it. I probably should've had some sort of tutorial, thanks for the feedback :D 

Honestly really good. The names really fitting with the game too XD

Glad you liked it :D

thanks, I'm glad you liked it 

oh, that's no good. The sound was giving me a bit of an issue too, but for some reason only in the exported version.

ya, I usually try to design the game in a way where they can figure it out without any tutorial but I didn't do a good enough job on that for this one. 

ya I agree the friction is a bit too low. Glad you liked the game though :D

If you mean sell the game you made in this game jam. I've never seen any restriction on it. If you mean add a required cost to the game during this game jam I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to do that. 

I got the blue orb unlocked, that's about it.

Oh, my word this game is soo cool. It fits the theme so well. The music is amazing and it fit so well (did you make the song, if not, what's it called so I can maybe try putting it in my game XD) After hitting a wall and having one pix left, you feel that dead, knowing that there's a wall coming. You don't know when or where, but you know you won't be able to move out of the way to save yourself. It's at this moment that you notice, your savior. Another pix has come down from the heavens to help you light your way. As you collect the new pix and start dodging walls together, you realize, you truly are stronger together. This is immediately followed by crashing into a wall on the right while trying to avoid the one directly ahead. 

Also, LIGHTS!!! I didn't really make any games using lights other than my game from this jam, but I like them soo much now :D

If there was one bit of feedback I would give it would be to try and increase the energy of the center light (not necessarily to see more, but rather to see the pix's better) but I really like how it is now, so I'm not completely sure. 

Ya, I think that would be cool, I'll definitely think about it if I update this game in the future. 

Ya, it's definitely a game for two players. I doubt anyone other than me will beat this game solo. 

Not 5/5 :'(

XD, I'm just kidding, 4.5/5 is actually a really good score, glad you liked it :D

Oh, lights! I'll definitely check your game out. :D

Glad you liked my game.

Ya, I could see that song working well with this game. I don't know how well I could be able to get that song to loop though XD

Ya, it's quite an interesting mechanic. That's why I love game jams. If I didn't join this jam I would've never thought of making this game. 

Thanks so much. It's cool to know that people are enjoying something that I made :D

Ya, I could see that being helpful, thanks for the feedback :D

Ya, I would have liked to add audio, but I don't know if I'm good enough at audio to have had it make the game better XD

Glad to hear you liked it. To be honest it's quite a difficult game and if you're playing solo it's just that much harder.