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Arpel Games

A member registered Jun 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for letting us know, we'll fix the links!

Hey, seems like you've encountered the issues that were fixed with the hot fix. It is strange you encountered them because the hotfix should have been installed into new versions by default. 

So,  to resolve your issues, you need to download the hotfix.

If you're playing on Android, redownload the game. Try using a different link from the one you've used before

If you're playing on PC, here's the link: 

And another one: 

On PC, you just need to replace the "scripts.rpa" file in "game" folder.

Also can you, please, tell what link did you use to download the game? It must be outdated if you've downloaded it yesterday, so we will fix it.

As I said if you won't uninstall your current version and just launch the new apk, it will just update it and the saves should stay intact, so yes, you can continue from your save

I mean, try downloading the game again and updating it

(If you won't uninstall your current version and just launch the new apk, it will just update it and the saves should stay intact)

We fixed some bugs after the release, so maybe it will work out this way

(1 edit)

Hello, have you downloaded the hotfix?


Glad it was fixed and that you hold our game in such high regard :)

For Chris' event you need first a small thing about the upgrade, then either Yuki's second event or small thing in love hotel.

Small thing should trigger after some time has passed after getting fifth Yuki level

Hello, have you had a small event about "the upgrade"? (You need fifth Yuki level for it)

Hello, no Chinese translation yet, but it will be made someday!

Click on the "drone" button in the bar

Hello! We're glad you're enjoying our game

The bug you're talking about was fixed already, we've released a hotfix:

Here's the link:  

Just replace "scripts.rpa" in "game" folder

Yeah, that's a bug and we've fixed it. 

Here's how to install the hotfix:

Not anymore, thank you!

It will most likely take us 2-3 months to make it

Click on the "heart" button on the top-left of the screen

(2 edits)

Better back up the saves before redownloading.

Also, you can just try playing without it. The bug is just with the hints, the events should trigger just fine when you've fulfilled the requirements for them

Yeah, that's a bug with hints that was fixed recently.

Since you're playing on android, you need to redownload the game to patch the gam

Thanks! We're glad you enjoyed our game!

No plans to use the device on Chris, but we do have plans to make more dream scenarios

(1 edit)

You're welcome!

Glad, you like it :)

Currently the only way to earn money is to just wait. There's income each Monday.

We want to add more ways to earn it, but that's for the future

Hello. Have you download the hotfix?

Hello. Have you download the hotfix?

Thanks for reporting it. We will look into it

Yeah, we'll upload it to other sites soon

Thanks! Glad, you like it :)

Maybe, closer to the end

No anal scenes yet, but we have a group one :)

It was! Thanks for playing, we're glad you enjoy the game!

The event should trigger automatically at night. And before that you should get a message from her in the morning.

If you haven't gotten that message, you still need to do some other things before her new event

(Requirements: Yuki 2 or small thing in love hotel)


Second new Chris' event? She only has one new event in this update

Yeah, we're fixing this. It's not that big of a problem because the bug is just with hint for the event. It will still trigger when you finish all the requirements for it.

The main links are updating currently. For now you can download fixed Android version from here:


And here are the patch files for other platforms:
Just put "scripts.rpa" patch-file into your "game" folder.

Well, yeah.

Lower size = Somewhat lower image quality (like on android) = Compressed version (1.55 GB)

Higher size = Somewhat higher image quality = Usual version (6.76 GB)

Compressed version is just version with a lot more compressed images.  

We usually made such versions for android before, but now we made them for other platforms as well. 

The size difference: usual - 6.76 GB / compressed - 1.55 GB

Thank you for playing :)

Thanks! We're happy you like what we do!

Glad you enjoy our work!

Thanks for reporting!

We'll see to it

Ehh... It's not every week unfortunately.

Currently we make updates in 2-3 months. We're trying to reduce that time, though

Yeah, we'll add it in the future.

We don't really have resources for human translators though, so we'll have to use AI for it
