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Artes Septim

A member registered May 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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It's not for mobile.

Sure need to help two fairies.
And you need to have two characters in group. 

You do realise there's more than one fairy?


You didn't even try to read the dialogues, did you?

Go into the forest, far right part and check the door. 

You are missing a party member who initiates dialogue there, recommend not asking about mansion while you are alone. 

It's an old issue with the game. 

Please read the description before asking a question. 

Battle system, wandering enemies, related scenes, and first locations of the mountain region.

No it isn't.
Talk with her, accept proposal for testing a potion and complete very short quest to unlock the potion. 

Read the quest journal.
Or reload the safe and read the dialogue you were given. 

There's no way for us to make a paid itch version because of the sanctions.

You need to use rar to extract files of the game from the archive.

When we finish it, yes. 

(1 edit)


Female MC is an option version of the MC, as such, she regularly receives her fair share of content and her own versions of existing encounters after the original MC. 

This is comment section of the demo version. All discussion here goes only about the demo version. 

Check the bought post again (password are located at the same age with donwload link) or send us a message on Boosty, as we get notifications of the message coming there and can answer immidiatly and not after a few days as now.

We have no other options because of the sanctions.

Most people agree that it's about 6-7 hours long currently.

All the other info is here:

The latest versions are always on the Boosty page. 
We physically can't sell anything here or on any other platform because of sanctions. 

Это страница для демо версии. 

Здесь можно скачать только демо версию. 

Не обсуждайте здесь новые версии игры, пожалуйста. 

А о багах сообщают либо в личных сообщениях на Бусти либо в дискорде, на сервере для подписчиков. 

After 5 red hearts, goes 5 golden hearts. 

And yes, you absolutely can, especially now with the card game that gives you infinite money farm. 

Only current version. 

Hi, thank you for your time
1) Nope 
2) Currently, Boosty is more of a financial support for us to continue the development. You can subscribe to it and once every 1–2 months, we usually upload an update there. We also keep a one-time purchase option on Hipolink (link among the posts on boosty), where we upload the last updated version. 

It is long added in a test version on Boosty. 
Free version updates are rare. 

Because you didn't read the rules that Tilda told you before giving you cards. 
She even let you play with her for free an unlimited number of times without any risk, right after the explanation, to get a good grip on the game. 

(1 edit)

Спасибо за отзыв, но в следующий раз пожалуйста сообщайте о багах через личные сообщения на Бусти, чтобы мы могли сразу увидеть сообщение. 

Ошибки в карточной игре нет, потому что это намеренно упрощённая версия. И даже так огромное количество людей в текущей версии выиграть у нпц не в состоянии, что очень забавно на самом деле. Назовём это культурными различиями. 

At some point in the very far future. 

Очень много плагинов. 

Анимации плавные, потому что вместо стандартных 3 кадров РПГмейкера мы используем 6-8 кадров.

Quote from the description above: 

Please note that saves from this demo version will not work properly in any other versions of the game. 

Old saves from versions below 0.2.5 are not recommended to use in nevest versions. 

No idea, we did the game for PC only.
We know about the Maldives from people who are using it. I bet it because of the wrong options in app.  

Перевод будет когда закончим основной сюжет, потому что текст часто переписывается. 

We don't think so. 

Turn off SFX in the options. 

WINrar is a common archive software. 
Download it and extract files from the archive you got to play the game.

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It's still in development.
And after it will be done, we will be waiting till the sanction to be lifted so we can sell it somewhere outside of Boosty because we can't even paywall it here as itch demands a PayPal or a non-Russian bank card. 

(1 edit)

If you want to play on the phone, use the Maldives player app; it's almost the same as joiplay but can actually run the game without much trouble. Joiplay doesn't read our animation spritesheets properly, and that breaks most of the animations down. It can be solved by some adjustments in the joiplay settings, but I don't know the exact details because I don't use it. 

And I am not trying to be rude on purpose. I just don't know what to say when the answers to a question are written right above the question. 

Look a bit above the comment section, right atop "more information" and read what is written there.