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A member registered 51 days ago

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and it's not just a take when they lied multiple fucking times what happened in the game and said they said shit they didn't and said I said shit I didn't 

or are you just a fucking idiot who didn't check their account to see they blocked me right after saying bullshit  because both your ass and his ass know your just spreading bullshit

then they shouldn't fucking block me right after replying to me and talking shit

for doommarine since he blocked me or some shit. 

and lying again plus you said i quote. And then there’s the power gap. MC fighting Nico (Level 5) is already a stretch, but facing five Level 5 captains and their entire teams? unless you think somehow mc can hide from over 10 level 5 people? and its funny you think you can actually win this argument when your bitch ass cant even remember most of the shit you say and I've literally haven't twisted a single words of yours and said them the exact way you did I'm just using their actual fucking mean and you haven't showed a single instance of me twisting your words while I've shown proof multiple times your ass has. and now reporting me cause your a little bitch

(1 edit)

and it's funny you think your God and that everyone in the universe is you seeing as how your bitch ass immediately starts saying that I'm talking about anyone who talks when no one has come to your bitch ass defense because you've changed what you've said 3 fucking times

you literally said he would fight them head on fucking retard. and it's funny you twist my words so much you think I ever said he would do that but sure keep getting thrown to the floor by your dad. 

1 day ago

Let's break this down from the start. S.I.N., Jared's father's version of HERO, falls short in several ways. While Ella herself is powerful, the organization as a whole lacks strength. Remove her and her students, and what's left? A group that mostly survives thanks to a horde of monsters—yet even those wouldn't stand a chance against a single Level 5 HERO captain. that was your exact words fucking retard and even the pink monster girl who literally isn't one of her fucking students literally took on multiple level 5 s so your just lying about your own fucking post now your trying to change it to key members when you have never fucking said that retard. and your ass said every captain and their team fucking retard so yeah and you even said rush in your fucking self. and you fucking realize bitch that he's barely giving them any money right? like not even 10 percent of their money comes from him they literally have their own fucking company that they run that's bigger then his company and your bitch ass said that ITS HIS VERSION OF SIN so yeah he'd need FULL control of it so yes you did fucking say he has full control which is a lie. dude mc literally fucking resisted Jake who even the fucking Creator of the game said is stronger then charlie mental aspect and Cole is NOT mentally stronger then me and your bitch ass is the only one using the power means immunity seeing as how your bitch ass thinks since Cole is a higher level then my he has stronger mind even though my was able to pierce and control coles mind when Cole had way more power then him you fucking retard. ok and still twisting shit. i never said they aren't secretive or that they don't have secrets I just said they don't fucking lie heck even charlie answered one of our questions after we literally pierced her fucking dream. and it's funny you say I'm twisting shit yet don't even remember what your bitch ass said

and it's not a different perspective when it's just a blatant fucking lie and even a teen who's never seen battle experience wouldn't fucking fight over 10 people who could crush him easily head on and just using no fucking strategy and only keep using the same attack. heck he'd know to attack from shadows and shit since if they see him he's dead

and lying again seeing as how you said NO one in sin stands even a chance against a level 5 which is a complete lie and your ass said that mc would take on all the captains and their teams head on so yeah dumb fuck and your bitch ass even said that it's Jared's father's version of sin which would imply he has sole control since it's his version right bitch boy? nope he doesn't have sole control and he actually barely helped them and they are only using him for some more money. and it's funny you say his influence is undeniable yet we have seen no fucking examples of it at fucking all heck some people straight just called Jared a bitch after he tried to use the do you know who my daddy is card. and Cole is the one who called him basically a bitch. and we have no fucking proof Charlie's shit is tied to mental heck we have proof it's tied to physical seeing as how Cole literally spat blood when he fucking resisted it and barely fucking reacted. and MC is way more mentally strong then Cole so even if it was mental mc could easily fucking resist it plus a fucking Cole who's way weaker then he is now did resist it easily and his ass is mentally weak. and we have no proof or anything about sin being secretive heck they even said on live TV that people will have to swear a fucking oath and draw something on themselves before going. a fucking toddler could figure out that there's gonna be some power shit at play when they do this like literally your fucking stupid if you think drawing a fucking mark into yourself after being told to by superpowers people who defy the laws of physics will go well. and it's funny your bitch ass says twisting like I'm doing it yet your entire fucking shit is wrote around trying to read behind the lines and twist what I said.

he's not even talking in discord is the funny part

ok so just assuming mc is a retard who fights everything he sees and can only attack and not sneak around even through he literally got into their main fucking base near the start of the game. and your so fucking stupid you think Jared's father actually controls sin when his ass doesn't even have more power then some recruits. and you realize they literally almost killed Nico right? who is literally fucking level 5 and Charlie's power doesn't only affect the mind and isn't even focused on it she's literally a type who puts the pact on your HEART not mind. and even fucking Cole when he was weaker resisted it. and we have only hero's words that they have been around as long as you say and most of it is actually classified and they have lied about history before and literally admitted they did. and hero has barely helped our mc grow like literally all of his power ups he got from friends or his own workout so we have no proof that they can actually help the mc more heck we have proof they cant seeing as how sin can control monsters and can give mc ANY monster parts he needs or wants while hero doesn't and needs to capture monsters. and your assuming mc hasn't grown AT ALL since prison arc even through he's god level compared to when the prison arc happened. and mc even resisted jake depending on which stats you had and could even harm jake and kill him. and its funny you think hero wouldn't ensure they can kill mc by the time he's level 5 seeing as how they have someone who can literally just say death and even ella died. and could even disable his powers by that time if they have gotten more advanced seeing as how its been months since we went into the monster world

ok then what was it made for? oh wait discussing the fucking game.

and that isn't even at the beginning either that's far past it.

dude we had a fucking chance to cut ties when nico came to "rescue" us while we were infiltrating the enemy's base the boss of the enemies offered to us for mc to join him and we had no choice in the matter at all. and he isn't even the fucking same level he is when his identity got revealed he has far more power like are you mentally alright?  

so i see your still a crying little boy who has no knowledge of what words mean

ok so still not saying which one so ima block you

dude he left multiple good ideas behind in the game like mc being able to fucking go against hero. and just because its hinted at doesn't mean he actually thought about it and another person from the discord probably came up with the idea  plus there's a game feedback area in the discord. and you still haven't said which dead end event since you know it doesn't happen plus there's multiple eye dead ends and some you have to get specific stuff just to get so you aren't even saying which dead end. heck he even admitted multiple times in social media most of the stuff comes from user inspired stuff and that he DOESNT have enough imagination. heck he cant even remember half the lore that's in the game

oh wait NEVER so keep lying kiddo and now your contradicting yourself plus you said you've been around after 0.95 yet say now that you've been around since 2022 so which is it huh?

ok where did i say when i was born todddler?

you said i quote. I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE. which insinuates you've been here since the earliest version 

and your account isn't even 30 days old

so you weren't always here plus even that update is longer ago then you created your account and the first update was back in 2021 3 years ago

and you weren't even on this site that long either

dude you havent even been on here that long

you realize the dead ends have no impact on the story right? like in the long run nothing in them has even happened even the first dead end nothing in it that happened impacted the story. dead ends are just you dying. and he would need to form an entire plot in the Wikipedia and some of the dead ends say stuff happened that didn't actually happen so yeah no your trusting them too much. and its funny you didn't say which dead end since you know it didn't happen

the creator doesn't have enough imagination for that

Just Duke Dude

why you lying coward?  come talk i am still in the discord and watching i still have the picture of you and your friends saying you want to screw 17 year olds. while you have no proof of anything

heck there was even a comment on this game pointing out that it doesn't always work

except so does my pc and it still didn't work for when i tried playing chapter 10

ok yall you can just copy and past the save to the new games save file in game file on some computers

that didn't work for me for some reason

heck i bet you haven't even got to the monster world part 

have little animations? so you haven't even played half the game plus there's a fuckton of animations or do you just think that animations mean sex scenes alone?

the animations have gotten way more good since the first few hours of the game

dude how much of superhuman have you played?

i don't mean to be rude but even super human has better animations and companies of darkness or whatever does

yeah and just a bunch of useless talking and sex

i wish there was a dedicated necromancer class or like a different version of the mage that can raise dead enemies

there isn't i checked

is there a necromancer class?