and it's funny you think your God and that everyone in the universe is you seeing as how your bitch ass immediately starts saying that I'm talking about anyone who talks when no one has come to your bitch ass defense because you've changed what you've said 3 fucking times
Ah, impressive. You managed to cram in a bunch of profanity, some unfounded assumptions, and even threw in a weak personal insult at the time. Truly a brilliant argument. Now, let’s break this mess down.
First, you keep insisting that I literally said the MC would fight head-on with no strategy, but somehow you can’t pinpoint where that was said. Weird, huh? Maybe because you’re twisting what was actually said to fit your narrative?
Then you accuse me of “twisting your words” while ironically doing exactly that to myself. Interesting strategy—not very effective, but definitely interesting.
And that last part? “No one came to your bitch ass defense.” Oh yeah, because obviously debates are won by like counts and cheerleaders rather than the actual quality of the argument. Very mature.
In short, you’re not debating—you’re just venting frustration and building a straw man to knock down.