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A member registered Jun 07, 2018

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Thanks, I've tried several different strategies, including getting a tier 3 unit before investing in upgrades, but I still don't see a significant difference. I'm not sure what else can explain the difference in our experiences other than the behaviour being affected by the OS or browser or something specific.

Thanks for the tip! I don't notice any significant difference when improving the crit damage though.

Update: I played using Firefox (normally I play using Chrome) and while the performance was _much_ worse (the game ran noticeably slower, and the UI was only registering clicks 50% of the time), I actually got much further.

With Chrome I think the max tick I reached was ~24k, while with Firefox I got to 38k on my first attempt.

I'm not sure if the actual behaviour was different, or just the slower UI gave me more time to react and plan better. But certainly there's a difference.

(1 edit)

I noticed something odd in the network tab of the dev console: the 'end.wav' file is repeatedly downloaded and the amount of transferred data keeps increasing. I would expect that media would be loaded once and reused instead of being downloaded repeatedly.

I've tried upgrading everything (individual units and the global buffs) as much as possible, but it just doesn't seem enough to keep up.

Here's the result after one attempt where I tried to recycle everything and focus primarily on radiation, and secondarily on lightning. Does anything seem unusual to you?

Hmmm I've tried that, but the buffs just can't keep on top of the number of enemies.

I wonder if there's a bug that affects the damage on different machines or browsers, or if the FPS is different.

Anyway, this game is a really fun challenge, even if trying to win is frustrating!

Yeah, I can appreciate it's difficult to balance it.

I can get to the stage where tier 3 units are available, but as soon as I build a few then I get overwhelmed.

Which units are good, and which aren't worth it? I've tried a few different approaches, but none of the upgrades or units seem to be capable of handling the enemies. Radiation does quite well, but soon the upgrades become too expensive to keep up.

I really like it. The sounds are enjoyable.

It's hard to get past a certain point though. Once my base starts taking damage, I have less than a couple of seconds to react before I lose. Even though I'm constantly spending resources to improve the defences, it doesn't seem like anything helps.