This game is superb! I got to play it at a convention last weekend, and was immediately taken with how elegantly light touch the mechanics are, giving just enough guidance to support narrative movement without railroading our story. We were able to get a little gonzo while keeping the story on track, which also felt like a benefit of the thought-provoking prompts and open mechanical structure. Can't wait to play this with more friends!
Ash Can Games (And So Can You!)
A member registered Jan 22, 2018 · View creator page →
Creator of
A Game of Toms and Transportation
A Pride Month gift of being seen as you truly are
A Game About Trying To Human Under Very Inconvenient Circumstances
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Great Big Big Bang Learning Panorama comments · Posted in Great Big Big Bang Learning Panorama comments
So excited to play this! The game text is very light in structure, so it's perfect for collaborative narrative/storytelling focused players who love to get into lots of roleplay scenes without many mechanics... One of the kinds of games I adore. Seriously looking forward to pretending to be a totally normal human housemate, mwah ha ha!
The Magical Repair Shop comments · Replied to reverendunclebastard in The Magical Repair Shop comments
Good magic to you reverend, thank you for your support! There should be two files available now, one for 8.5x11" letter paper and one for A4. The crease pattern is for a Victorian design called a "puzzle purse" and there are good videos online showing how to fold it. Please let me know if you have any more questions. Thank you again!