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Join the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality Locked

A topic by leafo created Jun 02, 2020 Views: 234,627 Replies: 2,790
This topic was locked by leafo Apr 02, 2022
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Admin (30 edits) (+113)

Note: Please Read Before Submitting Your Game. We’re working with a lot of creators and we need your help to stay organized. If you’re not able to read the rules then we may not be able to include you. (This includes things like submitting too many games or posting you reply in the wrong spot)

Note about free games: We won’t be adding free games anymore to the purchasable part of the bundle, but we will still be collecting them to showcase in a special collection of supporters. More information here:

SUBMISSIONS FOR THE PAID PART OF THE BUNDLE HAVE CLOSED You can still submit to this thread while the bundle is active and we’ll add you to our collection of supporters. (This is open for both paid and free games). Thanks for making this bundle such a powerful force for good.

Hello everyone,

We live in a time of racial injustice, inequality, and police brutality against black people. I hope that everyone takes a stand in any way that they can. We’re inviting creators all across our platform to join us in supporting organizations that are working directly with those affected.

We’re hosting a bundle where anyone can join with all proceeds split between:

The bundle will be Pay-what-you-want with a minimum price of $5. All creators on are encouraged to participate. We’ll be waiving’s cut to ensure we contribute the most we can. The bundle will start Friday, June 5th and run through June 15th.

In order to join the bundle just reply to this thread with the URLs to the projects you’d like to submit. Please reply using the account that owns the project’s page otherwise we won’t be able to verify that you have opted in to the bundle. By posting your link in this thread you approve your game to be put into the bundle and offered at the minimum price during the dates shown above.

We will be using a script to automatically pull in projects by URL. Please only include working links to public projects that you control in your post to ensure that your project gets picked up!!. Avoid any instructions or questions in your post asking us which one because we may not see it. Thanks

Can I submit non-commercial projects?

Yes, but we’ll be highlighting the paid works at the top of the bundle page to encourage people to contribute. Please avoid submitting empty, broken, or partial pages. We want developers to be proud of the projects they’re putting forward to support the cause.

If you’re submitting something free, please only select 1 item. We have a lot of submissions and we don’t want to crowd out everyone. If you have something both paid and free to contribute, we ask that you only submit the paid work (unless the free project is more appropriate).

Can I submit multiple things?

For free works, we ask that you only select one item to contribute. If you’re contributing paid works then please submit no more than 3 items.

We think it’s more important that we get as many different people involved and visible as possible than flooding the bundle with projects from more prolific creators, thanks for understanding.

Can I submit non-games?

Sure, any project page on is good.

Can I submit adult content?

No. We want the bundle to be accessible to as many people as possible, so we ask that you do not submit adult content.

Can I submit my project after the bundle has started?

Yes. It’s okay if you come in late, we’ll credit anyone who has already purchased the bundle with access to your project. But we highly encourage you to submit as soon as possible so we can launch the bundle with as many projects as possible.

Will Steam (or other external keys) be given with a purchase?

No. In our experience, running a Pay-what-you-want bundle with Steam keys involved gets a lot of bitter people who just want to pay the bare minimum to try to claim all the Steam keys. That’s not in the spirit of the bundle. After the bundle is over, we may work with developers to grant keys to buyers if they have them available, but we will make no guarantees right now.


P.S. Looking for a ways to help but don’t have a project to donate, try here:


Admin (8 edits) (+29)
  • Reply to the thread to submit your game. You can find that by scrolling to the bottom of the page or by clicking here
  • Reply to this post for discussion about the bundle. Do not submit your game by replying to this post please, otherwise your game may not be included

If you’re clicking the reply button directly below this sentence to submit your game then you didn’t read the post. Please, help us stay organized and post your submission in the correct spot.

(1 edit) (+9)

You people rule! Thank you so very much for this amazing initiative.  You have our sword, as instructed!


hi, we’d love to include The Stillness of the Wind :

We have a few additional games that could be included. I need to check with each dev and will post the links ASAP. I realise the bundle is starting soon, and so if they can’t be included late we understand. 

Hey FT crew,

Can you reply with this to the overarching thread rather than as a reply to this post? Our script is only pulling games from top-level comments and we don't want to miss you!


I found your game selection for the charity bundle on a reddit thread, it's very nice. Is there any way of adding it to my collection? 

There's no option for that right now, but we're working on more ways for people to be able to sort the content from the bundle.

(1 edit) (+9)

It seems that anyone who's contributed a project to the bundle can view the bundle's analytics - and in particular we can see the email addresses of everyone who's purchased it, and how much they paid. Is this intended?

EDIT: looks like this has been fixed, nice

Have you thought about adding a link to the games' store page next to each one on the download page. Right now it isn't easy to view each games' details. 


We’ll definitely be making some updates to make it easier to access and sort through games in the bundle. Until then we’re focusing on making sure that the launch is going as smoothly as possible.


How is the automatic URL pulling script prioritizing? I'm seeing games before and after mine already in the bundle and I can't find any objections such as a malformed URL.

Yeah I was wondering this too! Does it only pull comments where the game URL is the only thing in the comment?


For reals, I submitted mine almost a week ago now and it still hasn't made it in, and I've seen games several days younger make the grade. If there's a problem with my submission I'd like to amend it so I can help out this bundle before it's over!

Hi, I know this is incredibly minor overall, but the bundle description says "All proceeds will donated to..." instead of "All proceeds will [be] donated to...". Thank you for creating this!


Thanks fixed


Are submitted games being added manually or is there an automated process?   Or is there just a backlog?

Thank you so much for setting this up!


We will be adding them in batches, after reviewing the list of new submissions. It is not automated.


Thanks for the answer and for all the hard work!  This is a grand thing you're doing!


I love this! Is there any way we can verify the donations are made? No offense AT ALL. Just want to do my due diligence. 


We’ll try to share as much as we can when it’s time to transfer the money. Thanks


^ I was concerned about this as well. Have you contacted either of the organizations about the fundraiser? Is there any reason that you can't share more info about it until the end? I hope this doesn't come off as rude, I've just seen a lot of people scamming/ trying to capitalize on the growing awareness for the movement and Im not super familiar with this site yet.


Are games still being added to the bundle? I see that this thread is getting flooded, but no games are being added to the bundle (in fact, the number of games is going down slightly?). I completely understand if submissions are closed due to just how big this is becoming, but it would be nice if it was announced, and I don't see anything to that effect here.

Admin (1 edit) (+7)

We’ll be adding submissions in batches after we review things. Your patience is appreciated, there are a lot of developers who learned of the bundle after it was launched who now want to get in. Thanks

Update: We have to resolve some technical issues before we can start adding new games. The amount of games times the number of buyers is a very large number and we need to change how our system works to accommodate it. More info here:

(+2) I'd like to add this to the bundle! Though, I'm not sure if mild nudity disqualifies it, so it's up to you. Thank you for doing this.


You need to reply to the thread with your game, not as a reply to the above comment.


We aren’t taking NSFW games. Please check with the original post in the thread for rules about submissions. Thanks


A pity. Out of more than 1000 games, which obviously has games for different tastes, why not NSFW games? I personally would love them, and like me, others.


Heya, i would like to ask, why don't the games automatically add to the library? i know they're a lot but i would prefer to download them from the library than downloading them from the page it redirects you to after you buy it, it's kind of really tedious to do it that way :c (sorry if something's not clear, english isn't my first language)


I agree with this - please add an "add all to library" button! I get not flooding people's libraries, but it took me three hours to add all the current bundle games to my library so my library manager could pick them up.

(1 edit)

How did you add them? I don't even know how to do it....there should be a button to add them all to the library. 


click on the "download" button for each game. It'll bring you to the game's page and add it to your library 


In the future we may add an add all button, but with the influx of people buying the bundle we’ve default to not filling the library.

I put some more information here:


While the effort in general is obviously great, I still want to point out that browsing the purchased bundle is a huge pain and it would be great if you could improve that. Either by making the bundle searchable from the purchases or by making your system aware that a game got purchased as part of a bundle when you visit the game's page (possibly by offering additional download options, so that one can download the game as one bought it with the bundle but can also still buy it, in case it e.g. offers Steam keys that weren't included with the bundle).


I understand it’s very challenging to sort through the large number of games. We’ll be updating that page to make it easier to navigate through the games, but right now our priority is making sure the launch of the bundle is going smoothly.


i love itchio sm

if yall need any help organizing / developing this bundle im v down

Hi :D.  I'd like to donate my game:

Admin (1 edit)

Please read the topic and pay attention to where you are posting before you submit. We have a lot of creators involved and we need to keep things organized. You’re trying to submit in the wrong location. Do not reply to my post about discussion to submit your game. Please delete your post after you’ve re-posted it in the correct location. Thanks for understanding.

Hello! I have just submitted my game ( and here is my inquiry: It is a free game but there is a paid bonus folder. Will the folder be included in the downloads for people who get the bundle? I would like for it to be. If that's not possible, that's ok, but it would be nice


At the moment, individually priced material is not included with bundle purchases, so it wouldn’t be included.

Thank you for the info. I've made the bonus folder free for the duration of the bundle. Great job with the bundle, I love that kind of initiative

(1 edit) (+4)

Would it be possible to sort the downloads?  The bundle downloads section is 25 pages long, and it's really hard to find things.  Ideally I think it'd be by category then alphabetically ( so all the TTRPGs in one long streak, all the game assets in another, the visual novels in another, etc.), but even a pure alphabetical sort would be nice.   As this package gets bigger, it'll get harder and harder to locate a specific pack.


Definitely, we’ll be updating the download page as soon as we have the opportunity. Thanks for your patience

(1 edit)

Hi leafo, I have a question.

I'd really like to submit my game, as I do support this cause, but here it is hosted as a link and playable as a free demo.

I'd like to add a code that would allow users to play it as a pro for 2 seasons.

Can this be done somehow?

For simplicity's sake, it can even be a single code for everyone, it doesn't really matter.


Update: in order to make things simpler, I've added it anyway to this thread. If it won't be able to add a code to the bundle, I'll just give the code away for free for a while, and if someone else uses it too no problem.


The way your page set up right now is not really a good fit for how we are delivering access with the bundle. You technically could sell the game on our site by using the external keys tool & adding an ‘other’ key, but we decided not to give out external keys for bundle purchases because it causes more issues with people trying to grab up Steam keys and then having to deal with the support tickets associated with that.

Sorry I don’t have a better solution for you. We are building a separate collection of supports for all the pages that aren’t up for sale though, so we’d be glad to add you there.


Besides asking for an "Add/Claim all" button which everyone already talked about, I just want to ask is anyone able to add this game to their library?
After buying the bundle, I was sorting through the games and came across this on the 2nd page (, but clicking on the link leads to an error page. I can't even see any game with the name Lily Seed on the developer's page.


It looks like the page has been unpublished, I’ll have to get in touch with the developer to see what happened there.



Since the game does not seem to be in the bundle anymore, could you please tell us what actually DID happen? The game Johann Weiss is also missing ( as is "Invasion" and "Haul". It is one thing if you have to remove games from the bundle after the purchase (really not nice and I guess also not legal but acceptable given the circumstances of this bundle). It is a completely different thing however not EXPLAINING why this had to happen. It feels as if the bundle content could lose games with every minute now. So an explanation would really be nice.

How long will it take for our submitted games to be added?


We have to resolve some technical issues before we’re able to provide new games too all existing buyers because of the amount of games involved and the amount of people who have bought the bundle. More info here: Thanks for your patience

(1 edit) (+8)

Can I submit adult content?

No. We want the bundle to be accessible to as many people as possible, so we ask that you do not submit adult content.

Personally, I strongly disagree with this one. With so many titles, I bet there are games for everybody. But what about people that like adult games? I don't mean pornographic content, but real games with happen to have adult content. Like Witcher 3, or Mass effect, to put two big examples. What about smaller Visual Novels, like Border of her Heart, or gay-positive videogames with adult content like Hadaka Shitsuji - Naked Butlers

What about games like Planet Stronghold: Colonial Defense, or Loren The Amazon Princess which have censored content, that you specifically have to allow the adult content?

Even Ladykiller in a Bind from LGBT creator Christine Love, has adult content, and it would be a great addition to the bundle

Anyway, thank you for the bundle. I have already contributed. But please, think about allowing adult content.


I submitted my game Jabberwocky yesterday and, looking at the bundle and the games surrounding it in the thread, it looks like my game was skipped. Is there any reason why? My game contains no inappropriate content and is paid. Thanks!

Hi. Firstly - amazing initiative and glad I could join the cause. I have started adding games for the bundle link to my collection and unfortunately I am unable to download them as most (2 out of8) have "Buy now" rather than "Download" button. What gives? Whilst I am happy to help the cause I feel cheated by itcho. Hopefully this can be resolved. Thank you


Is there any plan to sort by what games have been most recently added? It's a little hard to tell what's new since they seem to be spread out on all the pages.

Deleted 4 years ago

Hey, 3 days ago I replied to the thread with my asset pack and it hasn't been added in the new batch. Then yesterday I replied to the thread again and my asset pack was also not added. It is and has always been a paid pack, so it should have been added in this last batch, I think? The item is this one:


Looks like it's in there now.

Yes! All good now :)


I've been waiting over a week and I'm still not in :|



I'd really like my game, Jabberwocky, to be added. I sent it earlier, but it seems to have been skipped. The game meets all the requirements, so why has it not been added? I've sent a few messages (sorry), but I just really want to find out why it wasn't added and how to get it in.


Are games still being brought in? Massive thanks for setting this up. You're doing great work.

If you've purchased the bundle, what happens to things getting subsequently added? Will they still need to be purchased separately or does the buyer automatically receive the added item?


Hi Cosmo, 

I'm not an organizer for this, but on the bundle page ( ), they posted an update saying that all previous and future buyers get instant access to newly added projects. Hope this helped! 



N i c e ! Thanks!

Deleted 1 year ago

This is not the right place to ask about that. The game has a dedicated page on and there is a comment section there where you can ask for support. Discussion in this thread is only about the technicalities of the bundle itself and submissions of games to be added.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Oh shoot, you're right. It's not there, I'm sorry too. I'd suggest to google around for your issue, or to look at the discussions page for it in Steam or GOG to see if people have had a similar issue.


Found this in the Steam forum:
"hold shift while the game opens and you can change the resolution that way."
Hope it helps

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+2)

Can free books be offered in the bundle? I'm reaching out and working with numerous experts to try to create a useful guide on being homeless in NYC and being in the bundle will make it easier to get them to spend the time to write for the project given this bundles huge success. Additionally, I wouldn't feel ethical making the book not free for those who don't have the money to pay for it but could be helped by it. Given the bundles focus on racial justice and equality  and how interconnected they are with homelessness I believe it makes sense to include it.  

(Ps. this is based off seeing free games won't be added anymore to the main bundle if this doesn't apply to books my bad)

okay i made it paid and will just donate proceeds i hope it qualifies now

MedimonGames, Ready for support!!


Hi, thanks for organizing this! I know you're probably slammed right now, but I have a couple questions: Is there a way to know when a submission has been added to the bundle? And roughly how often is the bundle being updated? I submitted a (paid) asset pack yesterday, and I don't think it's been added yet, so I wanted to know how I could find out when it does gets added.


Based off observation, the counter for the newly added games moves now and then. In the beginning it was in batches. A couple of hours ago it was going up one by one. If it wasn't added yet, if possible look for what was newly added and see where it landed or if you bought the bundle, use the search bar. There are also Google Sheets out there that also update now and then as well. 

Good luck. Right now the count is 1,509.

(1 edit)

Got a link to those Google Sheets? Was going to start one myself, but will gladly take one that's already done.

Edit: Saw one down the thread. Here's a link:

Apparently, the mad man used python to grab the info. Beats doing it manually that's for sure. Wonder how long it took to set up to begin with but compared to manually reviewing 1500+ games it was well worth the effort.


You have to post your reply directly to the thread, not the comment, for your game to be added to the bundle.

Is there anyway we can see what games are being added? There's too many games to tell which ones are new.


There is the google sheet, you will need to look under the batch column to see which ones are new tho.

You all — wow! This is great. This is — i love this. Please don’t overwork yourselves. And wow! I know everyone’s in a tight spot. And you all are hand-sorting donations. And. And thank you.

Be. Walk. Stretch. Make.

And thanks.


Does anyone have an idea how the URL parser is getting the games? I see games posted after mine getting picked. I'd like to know if the game I sent has any chance of being on the bundle, even when others posted after mine are included. Would be lovely. 

Thank you,
Miguel Antunes


My best guess is that it looks at the URL, cross checks if you are the owner or associate to the game and thus can confirm that permission was given to add the game to the bundle. As for the last time it might have moved, seems the game count increased a little bit a few hours ago. 


It did move, but my game is still not in the bundle, like so many others. I wonder if I did everything accordingly to the post. Time is running out, and it's with sadness that I don't see my game there. Makes me feel I didn't do anything for the cause. ;)


Give it some time, there might be a hiccup with the system. 

Hope is the last one to vanish, and what I feel is nothing related to what people is suffering.

(1 edit) (+3)

Will there be another batch run? Some games that have been posted here before the deadline (like the great "Dry Drowning") have not yet been picked up.


I think it's still working on it based on the game counter going up from when I lasted checked 1638 to 1657. 


Thank you!


hi! Is there a simple way to buy more than 20 bundles? We want to donate and give access to all our employees, but as far as I can see I have to purchase one at a time. 

You guys rock !

I'm the owner of the ActBlue page you're splitting donations with. Can we connect about logistics? You can DM me on Twitter:


I just wanted to hop in and say thank you immensely to everyone that contributed to this effort! It means a lot to know that people care and it's even better that they showed it in full force. The community had already won my heart but I needed to say it will always be my digital home! <3

When did submissions for the paid part of the bundle close?

Jun 11 @ 12 PM PT


If submissions are closed now, does that mean that things that have been waiting over a week to be added to the bundle won't make it in?

Not sure, so long as it wasn't a free / pay what you want / browser game I assume it's a matter of either waiting to see if the game is noticed or trying to contact themselves to be added. 


It's so weird, everything else on the same page as my submission was added. I reached out to leafo on twitter but haven't heard back.


Best of luck then ; w ; 

It never was added, never got a response. I'm so confused.

Perhaps try contacting over twitter? 

Deleted 4 years ago

I'm a bit late for donate.. isn't there a way to donate and getting the games now? I didn't know about it and I just saw it. Thanks

Unfortunately no. You missed it by about 10 hours.

HumbleBundle is currently doing a bundle to support this same sort of effort, but at a higher price point and significantly less content. There has been some chatter that may do a bundle in the future to support LGBT+ charities, but as far as I know, its currently just talk and has no specific dates or certainty.


Damn... :( Thanks for the answer

(1 edit)

I'm in the same boat. Didn't know about it until yesterday. Was wondering if this would be reopened as sounds like there's still people willing to donate who didn't know about the bundle but seems not :(

Deleted 95 days ago

Kinda? They appear now and then probably because of issues contacting the devs. But these are just guesses so no idea XD

Any chance I can still get in on this? I was waiting on my paycheck before pulling the trigger.



Hi there! I'd like to submit my collection of small experimental analogue role playing games.






I'd like to offer up both of my paid games:

(1 edit) (+5)

(1 edit) (+5)

I would like to submit these two games, hope it helps.



It's not much, but if it'd help, I'd like to submit my silly little tabletop RPG:


Hey! Feel free to add my PADager to bundle


I'd like to submit DOGS THROWING SWORDS 2:



Thank you for doing this, I'd like to submit Kaiju Big Battel: Fighto Fantasy:


I'd like to submit

(1 edit) (+1)


Thank you for doing this, we'd be happy to participate


SuperTry would like to submit Haque!


(2 edits) (+1)

I'd like to submit 

This is awesome, and works out well with the timing of my own fundraiser.

I'd love to be added to this.

(1 edit)

I just completely finished your game for few day ago (Paranoihell). I really really love this game, but I can't understand. Can you explain something of it? Thank you!

(2 edits)

I would like to donate my entire back catalogue and some of my newer stuff.

Thank you for this opportunity and I hope it is a huge success!


Thanks for your contribution. Do you think you could edit the list down to maybe 3 or 4 items that you would like to put forward?

(3 edits)

Sure in that case :)

Admin (2 edits) (+1)

Please edit the original post with only the games you’d like to submit, we’ll be running an automated script to pull all linked games. (and then you can remove your reply so they aren’t duplicated). Thanks

Done. Thank you.

Hey Leaf, amazing work! for some reason the links all messed up in my original inclusion post, I have updated them so if you are able to update the bundle to reflect that would be great, as for some reason they all ended up linking to adlengine. Thanks.


Hey, we’re looking to only take 1 project for people who are sharing free work to share to keep space for others (I updated the original topic about this the other day). It looks like we already got two of your projects in, is that okay with you?

Hey, yeah that's fine :) appreciate the hard work you've all put into this. Amazing amount of money raised! Kudos!


Please add:

(1 edit) (+1)

Though it's free, please add PHN-HOME to the bundle. Thank you very much.

I'd like to submit Pizza Heroes!


I'd love to submit all of these projects: (not hosted on my main account, but it is my game)


If you don’t post the link from an account that owns the page then it won’t be added. If you’d like it included please make a new reply with that account. Thanks!


Hiya, sorry about that! Could it be added now : ) ?

Thanks for doing this.

Hi! I'd like to submit my short puzzle game:

(1 edit)

I'd like to offer my games:


Happy to participate with my newly launched game! :D


Hello! I would be happy for any of these games to be included:


I'd like to submit my game :)

Deleted post



thanks for doing this!


Thanks for organizing this:


(this one has a price tier that gets you the game's soundtrack but is free as a base, if it's possible I want the OST version included with the bundle)

(2 edits)


I think since we have so many people participating it makes sense to avoid adding additional fee content if you have paid content to contribute. If you’re okay with that, do you mind editing your original post only with the things you want to contribute. Thanks



I would love to contribute two games and one music bundle for game developers.

Color Jumper:

Extreme Mining:

Three Red Hearts (music loops):


Hi, we'd like to help, and submit our Arcade Pack to the bundle.

(1 edit)

Feel free to put my newest one on there: (noncommercial, physical game)

Hi, feel free to add Mobility to the bundle!

(1 edit) I'd be honored to help. 

Thank you for organizing this.



(1 edit) (+1)

Our contribution:
Good luck with the bundle!

(1 edit) (+1)

I'd like to submit Vincent: The Secret of Myers!

(1 edit) (+1)

The link for Morfosi might need to be posted by the unidot-studio account in order to be picked up by the script?


Thank you for informing! I'll let them know.


I'd love to submit He Plays the Piano if y'all are cool with a non-commercial interactive artwork!

(+4) Black Lives Matter

(1 edit) (+1)

I'll submit my two tabletop rpgs, if you want to only add one pick no stone unturned.


Hey Adam,

Looks like both links go to No Stone Unturned. Can you update your post so the script we're running will grab both games?


Weird, not sure why it was doing that. It should be fixed now!


Thank you so much for doing this! We would love to submit Knights of the Card Table...

Should we remove any text that mentions Steam keys for the duration of the bundle?

We'll make it clear on the bundle page that external keys won't be included, but removing mention to the Steam keys on your page will make for more consistent messaging. That said it's up to you if you want to edit your page.

I think that makes sense. That said, if you come some language like "Steam keys are not part of the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, click here to find out why."  or if you want to make a higher tier that includes keys we're beyond happy to work with you.  You are the best, BTW and thanks again for doing this.


We’ll make sure that on the bundle page it mentions that no Steam keys are included!


Would like to add Fortune-499:

Also would like to add Beglitched (but I think I need to switch accounts first?):


You’ll need to post with the other account unless apthomson account has permission to edit that page. Thanks!


Would like to submit Beglitched:

(1 edit)


Play With Gilbert:

(1 edit) (+1)

I offer up every single game from my catalogue ( Thank you so much for doing this!

(Edit: Just saw the multiple games ruling inside the Q&A. Amended and made another reply. Thanks again!)

Thanks for volunteering so many games. Is it possible to edit the list down to 3-5 games you want to put forward?

No problem! This should be easier, and thanks again!






i'd like to submit my game that i made one time-

I would like to submit three of my TTRPG games:

(1 edit)

I am submitting these games and zines.


(1 edit) (+1)

I'd like to contribute "Widget Satchel" to this bundle.

Good on you for doing this. I'm from Minneapolis and we've been supporting local groups, but this is a national effort now, so I'm glad I can contribute in a small way.

For anyone else browsing this thread looking for ways to help efforts ongoing in Minneapolis:

(1 edit)

Submitting my paid titles here:

Hey it looks like the links for both games are pointing at the same page (the Steal This Game page). To make sure our script doesn't miss Your Body an Altar, can you edit the link in your post to point to the right page? 

That's odd, but sure! Check the links now?


It looks like the links are fine now, thanks for updating them!


Black lives matter

I'd like to include two of my games into this:






I'd like to add Sagebrush to this list.

(2 edits)

We want to colaborate with these two twine adventure games. They're only on spanish, but we hope it helps!

Hey TwineDoctors, can you edit your post to include the direct links to both of the projects (instead of the sale page) so our script can scrape them?


done :)


Thanks for doing this! I'd like to submit

(1 edit) (+2)

We would love to include Legend of Hand in this bundle

Thanks for organising this, it's a great idea.

Hells yeah, I'm in.

It's a fairly substantial, surreal exploration and puzzle(ish) game. 



Count me in:


Blades in the Dark:


I would like to submit the following things: 

Earthtongue OST:

Void Wisp - video game:

Our Pantheon - ttrpg:

(1 edit)

i want to submit my games Interstitial, If Not Us, Then Who? and Wishing Well please

Hey Riley,

Can you respond with the links to those projects? The response has been so massive we're going to have to run a script to grab the links from posts and I want to make sure we don't miss you.

absolutely- i'll collect 'em!


Thanks for organizing this!


Giant's Chalice
Thank you


I would like to submit my games

(2 edits) (+1)

Two from me:
Like Skyscrapers Blotting Out The Sun:

Over the Moon:


Hey Speak the Sky, it looks like both links in your post go to the page for skyscrapers. Can you edit your post with the proper link for Over The Moon so our script can include it?


Should be fixed now!

2 Puzzle games and a collection of poems.  Non-commercial but hopefully it helps by just bumping up the number of games offered? If you want to limit it, Try is the most thematically relevant I think.


Thank you so much for this opportunity

Here are the products I’d like to submit.


A game I made for 2016 MLK day



Please add

Thank you!

If you want, I'm glad to submit




we want to submit our game:

Submitting both:

It's just a tiny non-commercial micro-game i made last week, but i would like to contribute:

Please add my games to this bundle: 

All of my games are free to download but will still like to submit

Two analog game supplements:


Awesome, I'm in.

i hope this will be able to help!

(4 edits)

Great idea! I'd like to offer up my paid games:

Hey it looks like your link to Mastermind is point toward Benjamin of Blackstone Edge, can you update the post with the proper link so our script can include Mastermind?


Sorry, I wasn't aware of it, don't know how it happened.


(1 edit)

Please include these games:


Three analog RPG zines:


Submitting Journey Away:


We'd like to add Fantom Feast to the bundle:


Nice one. We will be happy to submit Feud:

(2 edits) (+1)

I’m game for offering a bunch of my stuff!

They are small jam games but we are happy to help



my game is free and a fangame, but maybe it would be an interesting curiosity to folks looking to buy/add more variety to the genres involved (it's a dress-up game)? 

It's sad to see things like this still are allowed to happen in 2020. I feel guilty by extension for making police-themed games, but hopefully they could act as some sort of reminder that the police is supposed to protect people, not oppress them.

Hello! Please add our game to the bundle:

I'm in! Get that money doing some good!


Me and birdpun also want to add Bird Bakery into the mix so people can spend some time making wholesome birds! feel free to add the deluxe version that includes the artbook and wallpaper art!

It's a free game but feel free to throw it into the bundle!

(1 edit)

Hi! Please use my plant games for this bundle. They're my best sellers.

Hey Diwata, can you edit your post so it directly links to your games' product pages? We're running a script to collect all of the games and I want to make sure we don't miss yours.


I've edited! I hope you see this.


My humble contribution:

P.S.: it would be awesome if you could highlight games by black developers (not my case!) by placing them right at the top of the bundle!

We're submitting:

I'd like to submit Flowerdrops!



We'd like to participate! Thank you for setting this up.

Add my game.

We stand with the protestors, because Black Lives Matter. Everyone deserves to live as their authentic selves without fear of violence. None of us is free until we are all free.

much love 💜 #BlackLivesMatter

i don't have content to post but is there a link I could use during a stream that would send people here to donate


We'll have a link to the bundle on the front page that you can send folks to once it's live on Friday.

This is great, and I'd very much like to submit some of my very silly tabletop RPGs to the cause.



I would like to submit two of my games:

Also I'd like to submit an asset pack:


More than happy to contribute:


Short and totally absurd adventure game,  currently planning a sequel to it :)

I would be glad to submit


Thanks for doing this, I'd like to submit one of my games and two of my assets.

Hi! This is a great idea, my team (@Toukana) and i would like to add our relaxing city-builder "DORFROMANTIK" which we are continuing work on.

Additionally I would like to add "Clash of Coins" and "OddyTree"

Hey Zwi, can you reply to the main thread with dorfromantik from the Toukana account? 

of course, will do!

Replied to the main thread, thanks for letting us know!

Thanks :)


Please add Sverdheim to this bundle:

Great idea! Count me in.

I'd like to submit one paid and one free game.

This is a wonderful idea. Thank you for your efforts in putting it together.

I'd be happy to include my own game among the participants.


More than happy to have Headspun included. 


This bundle idea is great! Hope this can help even if it's free :) 



(1 edit)


As there's no adult content, take the all ages versions of my games right here.

and a jam game for good measure -

Let’s raise some money!!

A much needed initiative right now. Thanks for organising this, leafo, and thanks to everyone else that has submitted.
They're free games, but here's hoping they can help the bundle. We specifically picked our games that we think didn't have opposing sides or themes of the sort.

Petty Puny Planet

Super Sellout

Whipped & Steamy • Cosplay Café*
*We read that adult games can't be included. W&S is a complicated case, because it talks about adult topics and themes, but doesn't feature explicit content.
For us, we feel its our game that best celebrates diversity. We decided to link it and leave the final decision to you if it's appropriate or not to be included in the bundle. 



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