The problems Is: I still get the bedcrawl scene. I did everything but I can't seem to trigger the "Sami finds" scene
Thanks! I found Lina's. For Sami's do I need a certain amount of corruption?
What Is BE?
How do I get Sami and Lina's moonstones?
Btw, Is there a way to save my progress from one version to another in mobile or do I have to replay the whole game?
But isn't It necessary to unlock the scene?
I can't trigger the "Practice kissing with Sami". It sends me directly to the piggyback scene.
Nevermind, I'm stupid xD
I clicked many times but nothing happened so I thought It didn't work but I closed the game and opened It againd and this time It worked lol
So I already unlocked Alex and Sami's level 2 corruption but the map says I haven't .
Like whenever I try to follow a path that requires corruption level 1 It appears as red and doesn't let me follow that path.
So I already went to the gym and saw the body being dragged but when I went home nothing happened. I tried going to the living room on different days at different times but nothing happens
So...what Is the relación between this one and the first? Do I need to play 1 first?
How can I Get the last pictures?