Hi, I'm the creator, what exactly do you mean by a summary?
Asi Epshtain
Creator of
Recent community posts
Vengeance is my first independent game, and I'm so very happy it got to four thousand views and change, way above my wildest estimation.
Vengeance records and reflects your actions back at you. Can you beat a game where the opponent is always as skilled as you are?
Hopefully next year I won't be #notatgdc and I'll be able to show my next, much larger, independent game - 'Unmoored' in person.
Which, you can guess, will be available on itch.io as well, probably before anywhere else.
Very happy to hear you liked it.
Choosing when and how to trigger the ending and cue player about it was a major design challenge, I honestly don't think I got it quite right, and I didn't install analytics so I can't see how many people get to it out of total played ( maybe I'll add that next weekend ).
Still, happy to hear you got to see it and enjoy it, you mention a screenshot, where can I see it?
Hi all, Would appreciate if any of you could take your time to take a look at, rate, and hopefully enjoy my game:
Can you beat a game that records and throws back at you everything you try?
Please play and hopefully enjoy my humble contribution.
Thank you.