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hm. that's very strange. I loaded the game with all available items and the triggers to get the apprentice robes and progress the story beyond the village progression checkpoint simultaneously, and the extra long conversation returned to Bale's parlor at night with no issue. that's why I suggested it might be the loading of save states, but if it happens during a fresh file, too, I'm at a bit of a loss! I'll have to keep looking and maybe split the scenes up or something.
I'll handle the minor save crystal bug quickly and look into the chest opening bug as well, though, I'd say that being able to open chests a bit easier isn't quite as pressing, thankfully. as for the arrows, they're arranged to try and simulate the directions that you had come from and are able to go, regardless of the room you're currently in, since you aren't rotating around all four directions in every room you occupy. I can see how it comes off a bit more confusing that way, so I'll look into adjusting some of the arrows, but this, too, is lower down on the list. would it help if I made maps of the dungeons available to view/download as a pack-in extra?
also, you're a real gem for illuminating these things for me! thanks so much~
nnnnnnoooOOOO..!! 😭😭
so close, yet so far. back to the bug hunt for me!
edit: I hate that you'd need to start clean, but I hope it's not the reloading of a previous version save state causing things to loop or error in this instance. I know that isn't always compatible with roms being updated. I used to try to save state my progress working on a Pkmn Yellow rom-hack, and that never worked how I hoped... 😅
I'm gonna tackle it again and make sure it runs correctly on my end, just in case, so there may be yet another upload soon..!
I took care of the inn selection bug quickly, but I'm trying to track down the reason you were softlocked at the parlor. do you remember the conversation you were having with the parlor NPC when you returned to the parlor? I tried to replicate the issue you had, but it didn't happen for me! any additional information you could provide would be super appreciated~
thank you so much! :sparkling_heart:
I'm glad you enjoyed the demo! the game has gone through multiple updates to get it ready for release since this version of the demo was uploaded. hopefully I already caught this bug! :sweat_smile:
I'll be sure to check this area again before release, though! thanks for the report~
In the second level of a run, one of the red orbs was out and able to be destroyed normally, but the second one (along with all of its enemies) was stuck outside the level's intended barriers, I guess? I could still shoot the enemies if I was careful, and they could still hurt me if I brushed against them, but I was totally soft-locked and couldn't progress in the run anymore. This is the first and only time this has happened so far in a few dozen runs, just for clarity's sake.
This game is so easy to slip into an addictive rhythm to! I'm gonna play more to really push myself to try and get a score I'm satisfied with, for sure. My only gripe is that not getting a new gun after the first level is really frustrating and highlights how worthless the starter pistol feels in comparison. I got no new weapon pickup after the first level four runs in a row, and that was the first time I had to walk away from the game aggravated and not exhausted from a fun and challenging time~
Keep it up! I'm excited to see this game continue to improve~ ✨
Sure! The latest work-in-progress roms are always available on my Patreon to supporters at the $3 tier or higher. Even just a single month's sub at that tier would give you access to the current build available there, plus all kinds of other things. This browser demo will get an update soon, for bugs and other small things, but it won't ever go beyond the first major section of the game. Thank you for playing and asking about the rom! It's definitely the best way to play~ ✨
I don't think I follow, sorry! I did use GB Studio, yes, and I've ported a previous game to Windows, Steam, and 3DS, plus used all the built-in GB Studio options. Do you mean mobile like Android and iOS? I actually looked into making an Android .apk out of the build sometime as well, using a similar process to the Windows port process, but I'm definitely open to easier methods if you have any resources to share!
Thanks so much for playing! And for the comment! ✨
Firstly, there is no NG+ in LesbiAnts (though there is a cheat code you can put in that lets you play the game with every ability and upgrade). You also unlock the Gauntlet for beating the game, however, which is a boss rush that gives you a special set of art scenes for completing it, as well as unlocking the Gallery of all the game's art.
Second, the warning for data overwriting is there because I didn't use multiple save files in LesbiAnts as a way to make sure your "ANT-chievements" were carried over from new game to new game. It's basically just keeping the unlock data in the 3rd save file and warning that overwriting with a new end-game save could compromise that data. If I were to revisit the game (again), swapping out for a multi-file save would probably go on the list of changes now that I have a better handle on how it works. Sorry for the confusion!
After checking it out on my end, it seems the way the Windows version was originally built needs an update and a rebuild. I was still able to play the game normally after telling the warning message "OK", though, and using the Z key to navigate the menus. If it still causes issues, I'd definitely recommend using a Game Boy emulator like Gambatte or Sameboy to play the rom!
I'll keep looking into it as I work on an update to the game soon. Thanks for letting me know!
Thank you so much! I hope you have fun with it sometime~
The card battle system was a real challenge that never got properly solved, and I'm sure there's better and more efficient ways to do it. The cards (which are kept on background-style image sheets) each have their own variable, plus a bunch more for game stats (damage, characters, abilities, etc.). I used the swap tiles plugin to change the card images in-game, which limited the total number of cards I could include. All of the variables are reset and randomized when you start the game/each match. The rest is just a lot of toggling of variables in-game and math functions to make the cards link together and do the right amounts of damage!
There are official card games on the original Game Boy, like an early Yu-Gi-Oh!, that have way more cards than what I was able to include, but I don't know how they managed to do it. ^^;
I'm sorry, but it's only available in the Game Boy rom format and the Analog Pocket format, (edit: as well as the new Windows version!). However, if you're on mobile, there are sites that can emulate the Game Boy system through browser, but performance can drop noticeably. I'd recommend waiting, but if you're determined, it's possible to use the file in other ways!