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A member registered Jan 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you a lot Turn0x.

Indeed, I should have implemented a pseudo multijoueur with simulated players as some said below. 

Will do so soon.

Thank you again.


The submission Window was hard for me to attend to, so I did it very quickly and it is only after that I have noticed it was not working :/

I will surely submit soon a patch of the game including buils for other platforms.

Thank you !

(1 edit)

Hi and thank you very much for your review. 

Indeed, I was planning to optimise the FPS by performing some stuff including merging for example 10 by 10 the legs in bigger ones. But I didn't had enough time to implement it. I expect to patch it soon.

Thank you again. 

Thank you a lot for your advice. 

I take note for the next times :)

Thank you again !

Hi, thank you for your review. 

I truly appreciate it.

The game has been thought to be multiplayer but unfortunately there are not enough players to experience a Real battle.

The battle system is that players capture parts of each others following a few rules :

- Heads can capture any body

- For the case of Heads vs Heads or Bodies vs Bodies, the taller player captures the more little player's parts.

And eventually, I have seen that those implementations are not well working anyway but has the jam submissions delay has passed, I am working around to make any relevant corrections very soon after the jam ends. 

Also, I'm planning to soon write a devlog to show how the development happened and the challenges I faced when developing

Thank you again.

Very impressive game ! I like how original it is.

Congrats !

Very original game ! I like it ! 

Congrats to the dev(s)

Hi and thanks a lot.
I you are on windows, you can download the executable :) (only 22mb)

Hi, thank you very much. 

I didn't realised that the web build wasn't actually working. It's sad :/