That is correct. The Hacker can put Programs into their Hackrig, Vehicle, or both! It all depends on what load they want to spend, especially if they need to save space for data that they're retrieving/stealing that may be Load 1+.
Austin Ramsay
Creator of
Recent community posts
Lieutenant Fusilier In The Farthest Reaches is a light hearted pulp novel about a robot soldier in Space Britain's army who becomes an officer. While not the first to do so, she's only like the 9th in all of British history and faces some social challenges from it, primarily from her fellow robots.
It manages to be a metaphor for both class mobility and transness. I can really relate to her concerns about standing out, being questioned about where she belongs, and her joy at seeing and being who she *wants* to be.
If another is written, I'll be very excited for it, and if this is the only one, I'll be glad for the wonderful time I had with it!
If you go to you can find Beam Saber in your collection and click download. This will take you to a page that has all of the Beam Saber files for download. The Playbooks are in "Squad" and "Pilot Playbooks"
Alternatively, if you go to there will probably be a banner at the top saying "You own this game" with a download link below it.
Hope that helps!
The PDF is effectively rules complete at this point. The additions to it will be more art, fiction, and layout work, however, for those require time and funds that have been primarily spent for the last two years on finishing the print run of the core rulebook. Recently, I have begun slowly ramping back up the processes needed to finish the rest of the details.
There is no hard rule on how to reduce squad goal clocks aside from doing what matches the fiction. Those are both good suggestions, and you could also do a Long Term Project to similar effect, but you must remember that Beam Saber is a game about how The War grinds people down. Very rarely can you fully stop systemically supported evil deeds.
The plan remains the same: excess copies of offset printing will be sold through IPR and POD copies will be available through DTRPG. No second print run is currently planned.
Here's a KS update from today that discusses the current state of offset printing and POD printing for Beam Saber:
If you mean one available as a google spreadsheet it is already linked to in the Player Resources section of the pdf.
If you mean a printable sheet it is one of the available download pdfs.
If you mean something else, then there is no plans for it but if you would be kind enough to describe it, there might be in the future.
The Best Around is the newest TTRPG from Austin Ramsay Games! Built on the Firebrands Framework by Meguey and Vincent Baker, this game is about intense and inspired competitions. Whether you want a lethal martial arts tournament, a hopeful singing competition, or an overly edited for drama cooking show, The Best Around has you covered! So give this game a try and FIGHT FOR YOUR DREAMS!
I've heard from some other backers that they haven't had trouble with getting V0.52. I'd like to ask you to: 1) try again in a couple hours in case it's Itch being weird. 2) If that doesn't work contact Itch support with your download key and the issue you are having. 3) If they aren't able to help you email me at and let me know what has happened.
The receipts for BackerKit purchases get sent to and I use that account to then send download keys to the emails associated with the BackerKit receipt. It's not an automated process, so it sometimes takes me a couple hours to see the receipt and then send it out. I don't have any new receipts currently, so you should have gotten your download key emailed to you.