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A member registered Dec 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed the game. Your feedback is spot-on and is something that I'm definitely going to consider when making games like this one in the future. Many people I spoke to shared the same thoughts. I personally noticed that some people simply didn't see the remaining breaths at all!

Oh well. Lesson learned. Thanks for the game jam!

(1 edit)

I noticed that if you load the page "as desktop" instead of "as mobile", the game will look as expected.

I wanted to treat the topic with respect while also exposing the player to some common elements. That said, I distinctly avoided any references to addiction and NSFW topics, even though it would have made the game more realistic.

I have not tried Twine. I'll look it up.

Thanks for playing!

Edit: Twine looks interesting. Maybe I'll just use this if I get the motivation to make another game like this in the future. It was an interesting challenge making this game - a lot of booleans in the game state machine.

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback. I'll add some useful information to the game description along with a few more levels after the game jam is over. Thanks for the feedback!

You're welcome. I was assuming that it was part of the game jam culture to provide feedback on each other's games after all of the submissions were in, but that doesn't seem to be the case (if I'm the first person to provide feedback).

If you don't mind, I'd welcome any feedback you might have about my submission. It's my first game and I'm hoping to find ways to improve. Thanks.

This game was exceptional! There was a glitch that made me fly up past the tutorial section that showcased how to shield, but I eventually came back down to it and completed everything. This was a lot of fun to play! Thank you for making/sharing your creation. I look forward to your next game!

PS. Thanks for taking the effort to make it playable via browser. I'm glad to have been able to play this game.

I'm getting a similar issue on my phone. At least you have the download available. I personally don't trust executables created by anonymous people, so I won't be able to play your game, unfortunately. If you keep trying to get the Web GL build working, I'd love to play it.

(4 edits)

The jam time expires in 40 minutes, so you should have time to edit the game and try it out.

If you used Unity to make your game you can build the game as Web GL, select all of the build files in the build directory, right-click "Send to zip", and upload the zip file.

I don't know how other engines work when trying to submit the game.

Make sure to check the "This files plays in the browser" checkbox below the uploaded file.

(2 edits)

You're welcome! But it looks like you've submitted a "rar" file. Is it possible to "zip" compress the files instead and check the "This file will be played in the browser" checkbox?

(1 edit)

Is it possible to zip the contents and check the "This file will be played in the browser" checkbox after uploading the files?

This was fun. I liked that I could easily tell where the water was going to land. I also like the "You lost" screen.

Some things that could be improved:

  • During gameplay the high score in the top-left is a float number (instead of an integer) so there are many zeroes wrapped around the text element as it gains/loses 0.0000001 every now and then.
  • The game felt slow. I think if the default speed was a little faster, it would be better.
  • The final high score on the "You lost" screen was a float value of many digits of precision when a single integer would have sufficed.

Things that were great:

  • The buttons felt 3D when clicked, nice work.
  • The candle animation was smart.
  • The font of the title in the main menu was good.

Overall, I liked the game. I hope you make another one!

When you go to your Dashboard page, do you see the game? Is it in a "Draft" state? If so, you will need to make it "Public".

I hope everyone enjoys my first game! Please let me know what you think (good and bad). Thanks!