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A member registered Mar 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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I really like the graphic style you chose! The snow effect on the title screen is really cool.

Kind of cool though the animation lagged a bit on my Moto-Z.

I like the idea but struggled with the controls a bit.

It's definitely interesting. I feel more virtuous after just a handful of playing :-)

The SFX on this one are very cool!

Definitely some impressive animations!

I really love the controls on this!

I'd give you five stars to this one just for the grunting sound FX alone. This feels pretty damn complete for just for four hours. I'm impressed! Nice work.

I love the sound track!

Very original!

I found the movement between rooms a little jarring but all and all this is a really impressive game to pull off in under 4 hours.

I like it. Though it makes me want to pull my hair out :-D