Great fun!
I really liked the effects where the blocks crumbled :)
Fun Game!
It took me many goes to complete all the waves : )
Great Game : )
I love the smooth movement!
Thanks for playing: )Damage feedback definitely needed! Sorry I only tested in Firefox and Chrome.
Awesome game!
I love the physics and how the player can flip and land on his skateboard : )
Thanks a lot for your comment!
I will make an animation for when the player reloads : )
Thanks for your comment!
I agree with you and I'll make an effect and sound when the player is hit : )
Great Game!
It really works around the theme and I love the concept.
By the way, once I tried to make a big building and a few seconds after I pressed the start button it crashed with a browser error.
Thank you for the compliment : )
Thank you very much for your comment!
I'm very happy that you like my game and I will make a start button in my next one. : )