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(1 edit)

Game Version:

Card ID: 32031a / 32031b (Solid/Phased Form)

Expected vs. Actual Results: It still sometimes doesn't trigger in window timing as it should be. And sometimes flip twice in 1 interaction (Defense)

Here's the video I recreate the bug. and I just realize that Never Back Down (14014) also didn't give Klaw a STUNNED card.

- Phased should trigger after the damage dealing is concluded

- Hard to Ignore (16017) trigger before Phased (32031b) is totally wrong. 

Work like charm! Thanks!

(1 edit)

Some of cards did not load correctly. Especially, in preview before play, those Nemesis and Villain cards.

Sorry for late response.

I got caught up in work.

But here's the FFG answer about Flow Like Water (26016) and Desperate Defense (09015)

Thank you for your interest in Marvel Champions: The Card Game
---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------
Flow Like Water triggers when you resolve the ability of a Defense-traited card. Say you have it in play when you make a basic defense, allowing you to play Desperate Defense. You’d resolve Desperate Defense by giving your hero +2 DEF, creating a delayed effect, and discarding it; that’s the point at which you’d trigger Flow Like Water and deal 1 damage to the minion, defeating it. The minion is still considered to have attacked, and you have still defended and taken no damage, so you will ready your hero.
---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------
Feel free to reach out to us if any more questions arise!
Alex Werner, FFG Game Rules Specialist
Rules questions and their answers are reviewed by both the Marvel Champions: The Card Game design team and the Game Rules Specialist.

So, your point stands correct, but now 09015 is considered bug from this FFG reply.

In version, when an enemy is defeated from 26016, 09015 does not ready the hero.

Game Version:

Card ID: Covert Ops (08003)

Expected vs. Actual Results: It allows player to remove threat from 2 different schemes.

(1 edit)

Based on the Delayed Effect you've provided, I've found it differently on RRG 1.6 page 15

Some abilities contain delayed effects. Such abilities specify a future timing point, or indicate a future condition that may arise, and dictate an effect that is to happen at that time.
 • • Delayed effects resolve automatically and immediately after their specified timing point or future condition occurs or becomes true, and before responses to that point or condition may be used. Delayed effects have the same timing priority as constant effects. 
• • When a delayed effect resolves, it is not treated as a new triggered ability, even if the delayed effect was originally created by a triggered ability

It clearly states that "Before responses to that point or condition maybe used" and "26016" is a Hero Response.

Hope this clarifies my point.

Thanks for your awesome update and the game!

(1 edit)

I've looked into the Delay Effect in RRG 1.6 page 15. It states

 Some abilities contain delayed effects. Such abilities specify a future timing point, or indicate a future condition that may arise, and dictate an effect that is to happen at that time.
 • • Delayed effects resolve automatically and immediately after their specified timing point or future condition occurs or becomes true, and before responses to that point or condition may be used. Delayed effects have the same timing priority as constant effects. 
• • When a delayed effect resolves, it is not treated as a new triggered ability, even if the delayed effect was originally created by a triggered ability.

This leads me to believe that Delayed Effect still, in fact, triggers before Retaliate. Even if it triggers as a constant effect, player should be able to pick the sequence as it triggers in the same timing windows.

RRG 1.6 page 5 under "Ability"

 Simultaneous Timing Priority — Some abilities have timing priority over other abilities. In order, the timing priority of abilities with the same triggering condition is: 
1. Constant abilities, delayed effects, lasting effects, keywords, and icons. 
2. Status cards. 
3. “Forced Interrupt” abilities. 
4. “Interrupt” abilities. 
5. “Boost,” “When Defeated,” and “When Revealed” abilities.
 6. “Forced Response” abilities. 
7. “Response” abilities. 
8. Consequential damage.

Keep up the work, you're doing really great job!

For "26016", I have sent an email to FFG but have no luck on the reply yet.

However, your point seems fair enough, but one thing I should say is that

in RRG 1.6 page 30 under "Play, Put into Play"

When an event card is played, place it on the table, resolve its ability, and place the card in its owner’s discard pile.

This sentence implies that playing an event card involves:

1. place the card on the table

2. resolve its ability.

3. put it in the discard.

This mean Flow Like Water (26016) should actually trigger after Desperate Defense (09015) have resolved completely (which included readying the hero). 

Hope this also clarifies my point.

Thanks for your hard working.

(1 edit)

For "32038", I believe these sentences would clear things up,

RRG 1.6 page 4 under "Ability" section:

When an ability has more than one sentence of text, read the entirety of the ability to check for alteration effects that may change the way the ability resolves. Then, resolve the ability one sentence at a time.

RRG 1.6 page 9 under "Attack (Player Ability Type)"

The order of resolution for abilities triggered by the resolution of an attack is as follows:
1. The retaliate X keyword (if the attacked character was not defeated).
2. Forced abilities with the following triggers (in any order):
      » » “after [character] attacks [and damages/defeats] [an enemy/a minion]...”
      » » “after [character] is attacked...”
3. Non-forced abilities with the triggers listed above.
4. Consequential damage (for allies).


If a triggered ability is labeled as an attack—such as “Hero Action (attack)”—resolving that ability is considered to attack the specified target. Unless specified by the ability’s text, a hero does not exhaust when using such an ability.

These rules imply that, ability on cards that contain (attack) should be fully resolved before Retaliate kicks in.

If this is not clear enough, RRG 1.6 page 9 under "Attack (Enemy Activation)"

The attack finishes resolving and the following types of abilities trigger in order:
a. The retaliate X keyword (if the attacked character was not defeated).
b. Forced abilities with the following triggers (in any order):
      » » “after [character] attacks [and damages/defeats] [you/an ally]...”
      » » “after [character] is attacked...”
      » » “after [character] defends [and takes no damage]...”
c. Non-forced abilities with the triggers listed above.

This clearly states that Retaliate should have trigger after the attack is fully resolved.

Hope this clear up my point.

(1 edit)

Actually, "When an enemy attacks you" and "activation" are considered the same thing.

RRG 1.6 page 6 under Activation section.

There are two types of enemy activations: an attack activation and a scheme activation. Whenever an enemy attacks or schemes, it is considered to have activated.
• During step two of the villain phase, the villain activates once per player, in player order. If the identity of the player resolving the activation is in hero form, the villain initiates an attack against that player’s identity. If the identity of the player resolving the activation is in alter-ego form, the villain initiates a scheme.
• During step two of the villain phase, each minion engaged with a player activates against that player. If the identity of the engaged player is in hero form, the minion initiates an attack against that player’s identity. If the identity of the engaged player is in alter-ego form, the minion initiates a scheme.
• Each time the villain activates, give the villain one boost card from the encounter deck for that activation.
• Some card abilities can also cause enemies to attack or scheme. These are also considered activations.
• If multiple enemies activate against you simultaneously, resolve the villain’s activation first (if any) in the order of your choice, followed by minion activations in the order of your choice.
• If an activating minion leaves play, that minion’s activation ends immediately, and no further steps of that activation resolve.
• An effect that initiates an enemy activation is considered resolved after that activation has fully resolved.
If an effect initiates an activation during the resolution of another activation, the newly initiated activation resolves after the current activation has finished resolving.
» » If multiple activations are initiated this way, the first player decides the order in which they are resolved.

I have the highlight sentences that involve in this matter in bold text. Hope this clarifies my point.

Sure, on RRG1.6 page 27 under Minion Section

It explicitly states that

  • If a minion engages a player during an enemy activation in which all minions engaged with that player are instructed to activate (such as through a "Boost" ability during step two of the villain phase), the newly-engaged minion will also activate.
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Game Version:

Card ID: Chance Encounter (26034)

Expected vs. Actual Results: Chance Encounter (26034) does not work when it attached to any player side scheme.

Game Version:

Card ID: Full Blast (33008)

Expected vs. Actual Results: Full Blast (33008) does not exhaust Cyclops (33001a) when played.

Game Version:

Card ID: Gang Up (01189) 

Expected vs. Actual Results: When the villain turns the boost card face up, if it is to put a minion into play engage with player, that minion doesn't activate. This occurs when I play with Klaw, and he dealt me Gang Up following with Weapon Runner (01121 ) as a boost card. Weapon Runner did not activate against me.

What I mean when I say I'll update is I'll reply to this post when I've found more bugs. But if you want me to create new post then I'll do it. Thanks for your hard working!

(2 edits)

This post will be update further if I found any more bugs. 

Card ID: Captain America (Leadership) (21011)

Expected vs. Actual Results: The card counts non-character AVENGERS card when determine the cost. (eg. When you have 2 allies with AVENGERS traits and Quincarrier(08023) it counts Quincarrier as AVENGERS card and reduce Captain America cost.)


Card ID: Southern Cross (38006)

Expected vs. Actual Results: When Rogue attach Touched (38002) to the villain and gain Retaliate, Southern Cross does not stun the enemy.


Card ID: Shadowcat's cards (Solid/Phased mass form (32031a/32031b), Phase Strike (32038), Telepathic Restraint (32059), Quick Shift (32040))

Expected vs. Actual Results: Her cards are bugged in lots of way.

1.  Playing DEFENSE-labeled card without exhausting Shadowcat, sometimes, doesn't flip Phased form as it should be.

this is the list of cards I've found so far:

          - Defiance (26018)

          - Powerful Punch (32014)

          - Preemptive Strike (05014)

          - Quick Shift (32040)

2. Phase Strike (32038) should discard the villain's attachment before it triggers Retaliate, since the attack should resolve fully before Retaliate triggers (test with Klaw).

3. Solid mass form (32031a) is not exhausted when used.

4. Using Quick Shift (32040) while Shadowcat is in Solid form, sometimes, flip the form twice immediately when using it against minion (first occur when I used it against Melter (01132)) Resulted in Shadowcat taking damage as it shouldn't. This is the video I've successfully reproduced to bug: 

The sequence should be:

          1. Shadowcat plays Quick Shift while in Solid

          2. Solid flip to Phased

          3. Enemy attacks and deals no damage to Shadowcat, since she's in Phased form and she is defending against an attack (using Quick Shift as a DEFENSE-labeled card.)

          4. After the attack resolves, the Phased form flip back to Solid (Forced Response).

          5. Trigger others Hero Response Hard to Ignore(16017), Unfalppable(09020) etc.

5. Using Quick Shift (32040) while Shadowcat is in Phased form, also sometimes, immediately flip to Solid form. Resulted in Shadowcat taking damage as it shouldn't (refer to the sequence above).

6. Telepathic Restraint(32059) (Shadowcat's Nemesis card) is not working properly. (It gives CONFUSED instead of STUNNED)


Card ID: Flow Like Water (26016)

Expected vs. Actual Results: Flow Like Water should trigger after the defense is fully resolved.  Since, the DEFENSE card  is resolving continuously along with attacking. The DEFENSE card is considered to be played after it fully resolves, not after paying the cost.

If this is not the correct way, it invokes a lot of trouble. First, Desperate Defense(09015) is now bugged because of Flow Like Water. When an enemy attacks and you play Desperate Defense, it immediately deals damage to that enemy. If it is a 1 HP minion, it is defeated. Resulted in no attacks were made and Desperate Defense whiffs because you are now not defending anymore. It shouldn't resolve like this at all. It should be:

          1. Declare defend

          2. Play DEFENSE cards.

          3. Enemy attack resolves.

          4. Resolve after attack of those DEFENSE cards (ready for DD, STUNNED for Never Back Down(14014) etc.)

          5. DEFENSE cards are now considered done, which trigger Flow Like Water.


Card ID: Defiance (26018)

Expected vs. Actual Results: When play Defiance (26018) against the villain attack, Flow Like Water(26016) does not trigger.

I will be updating this more after I've played more.

Yeah, I see your point, the code could not actually function the way game supposed to.

Since declaring to play a card consider the future (player's abilities to pay the cost) that no code could predict.

Only make sense to us Human.

I have dived into the RRG 1.6 and found something that might work. (I don't know how to code at all. I am just good at logical thinking)

in RRG 1.6 page 23 under INITIATING ABILITIES section

When a player wishes to play a card or initiate a triggered ability, that player first declares their intent. Then, the player checks the following conditions in order:
1. Check play restrictions: can the card be played, or the ability initiated, at this time?
» » If the card or ability specifies one or more targets, check that it has at least one valid target. If the card or ability does not have at least one valid target, it cannot be played or initiated.
2. Determine the cost (or costs) to play the card or initiate the ability and the player’s ability to pay them, taking modifiers into account.

If both conditions are met, follow these steps in order:
3. If playing a card, the player places that card faceup on the table in front of them. (This card is not in play.)
4. Apply any modifiers to the cost(s).
5. Pay the cost(s). If this step is reached and the cost(s) cannot be paid, abort this process without paying any costs.
6. The card commences being played, or the effects of the ability attempt to initiate.
7. The card is played or the ability (if not canceled in the previous step) resolves. The card enters play or, if it is an event card, its effects resolve and it is then placed in its owner’s discard pile.
• If any of the above steps would make the triggering condition of an interrupt ability true, that ability may be initiated just before that triggering condition becomes true.
• If any of the above steps would make the triggering condition of a response ability true, that ability may be initiated immediately after that triggering condition becomes true

The number 2 suggests that players must review themselves that they can actually pay the cost.

The cost paying step is actually number 5 that allows players to generate resources (using Gauntlet Gun for War Machine, or Clarity of Purpose for Spider-Ham in your example)

or the hard way I suggest that you could write a code to detect Gauntlet Gun for War Machine Card and detect CoP for Spider-Ham. The CON is that when the new card is released, it would be hell to keep adding card that it should detect.

or another way is that, add a little extra 6.5 in between, "If all cost is not paid, abort the process and rewind to before card selection"

(2 edits)
1. COST ARROW ICON: Nonbolded text before the cost arrow icon must be paid and/or resolved in full before the text after the cost arrow icon can be resolved.
2. INITIATING ABILITIES: Determine the cost (or costs) to play the card or initiate the ability and the player’s ability to pay them, taking modifiers into account.

I would argue that in the 2. Initiating Abilities, the sentence "Determine the cost (or costs) to play the card or initiate the ability and the player’s ability to pay them"

This would take "Gauntlet Gun" (23005) into account that player actually can pay the cost.

Auto Activate is not found and cannot be used.

(2 edits)

Game Version:

Card ID: Repulsor Beam (23008), Jame Rhodes (23001b)

Expected vs. Actual Results:  I cannot select to play Repulsor Beam (23008) when War Machine's Ammo is at 0, even I had Gauntlet Gun (23005) in play that would generate 1 ammo for that card.

Repulsor Beam (23008) reads:

Hero Action (attack): Remove 1 ammo counter from War Machine → deal 4 damage to an enemy.
Gauntlet Gun reads:
Resource: Exhaust Gauntlet Gun → generate a [green] resource for a War Machine event and place 1 ammo counter on War Machine.


Also James Rhodes (23001b)'s ability is working wrongly. It should be limited with only once per phase.

It reads: 

Action: Choose a War Machine card in your discard pile and shuffle it into your deck.
Forced Response: After you change to this form, discard each ammo counter from your identity.

It has been errata'd into 

Action: Choose a War Machine card in your discard pile and shuffle it into your deck. (Limit once per phase.)

From RRG1.6 page 60 under War Machine Hero Pack section



Should read: “Action: Choose a War Machine card in your discard pile and shuffle it into your deck. (Limit once per phase.)” (Added “(Limit once per phase.)”

(1 edit)

I've emailed to FFG about this matter and here is the reply from FFG rules specialist.

Also, I did look up the Rule section this email has referred to.

You have to put the card onto the table before actually paying the cost of the card.


Card ID: Jefferson Davis (27036)

It reads:

Alter-Ego Action: Exhaust Jefferson Davis → remove 1 threat from the scheme with the least threat.

But it can remove a threat from literally any scheme.

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Card ID: Field Agent (27044)

It reads:
"Uses (3 backup counters).

Hero Interrupt: When a S.H.I.E.L.D. ally would take any amount of consequential damage, exhaust Field Agent and remove 1 backup counter from it → prevent 1 of that damage."

It should only trigger when an ally takes consequential damage (after an ally takes action in which that action has burst icon), but when I defend with S.H.I.E.L.D. ally and it takes damage, Field Agent (27044) is prompted up to prevent damage.

I'm sorry for spamming.

I'd like to request 1 simple feature: Toggle Auto Activate for each card.

When a card is prompted to trigger, I want it to activate without me clicking it. Maybe a little box at the top right corner of the card that if it is checked, that card would auto activate when it is prompted. 

For example, Unflappable (09020) which trigger after I defended and take no damage.

or Hard to Ignore (16017) or even Magneto's Armor (49004) which has literally no reason to not activate.

Thanks for your hard work!

(1 edit)


Card ID: Telepathic Suggestion (41007)

It reads:
Hero Interrupt: When you reveal a card from the encounter deck, cancel its "When Revealed" effects. For each Psi-Katana you control, choose an enemy and deal 2 damage to it. For each Psi-Knife you control, choose a scheme and remove 1 threat from it.

but when I control 2 Psy-Knifes or 2 Psy-Katana, it only removes 1 threat or deal only 2 damage. 

(3 edits)


Magik (45030a)

Mutant Protetors (32017)

Defensive Energy (32018)


When Magik(45030a) uses her ability which reads: "Once per phase, you may play the top card of your deck as if it was in your hand, reducing its resource cost by 1." to play Mutant Protectors(32017) from the top of her deck, while spending Defensive Energy (32018) for it, Mutant Protectors(32017) doesn't come off the deck to the play area. This causes Defensive Energy (32018) to draw Mutant Protectors(32017) from the deck and then discard Mutant Protectors(32017) due to the logic of the game that this card is being used.

The result should be:

1.  Magik(45030a) uses her ability, target Mutant Protectors(32017) on the top of the deck.

2. The player is prompted to select the MUTANT ally to be put into play and the resource. Then, choose to spend Defensive Energy (32018)

3. Mutant Protectors(32017) is put into play area while resolving the effect, revealing the card underneath it.

4. The selected MUTANT ally is put into play and declared as the defender.

5. Defensive Energy (32018) draw the card underneath Mutant Protectors(32017)

On bullet #2 of the RRG 1.6 page 30 under PLAY section, when the card is played, place it on the table, resolve its ability, and place the card in its owner's discard pile.

Thanks for your fast response! Glad to contribute!


  1. Game Version:
  2. Card ID: 21031b
  3. Expected vs. Actual Results: Adam Warlock Alter-Ego that read: Discard a card from you hand -> discard a status card from your identity, is not working properly.


Also, not sure if I am right about this, but the Defense in this game is not considered done after you've just exhaust the identity.

The Defending is a process which contains, if I were to list all process:

1. An enemy initiate an attack.

 1.1 Stunned triggers here.

1.2 All ability that concern Interrupt: "When an enemy initiates an attack" and "When an enemy an attack" triggers here

2. Deal facedown boost card to the villain if this is villain's activation.

3. You decide to defend or not. 

  3.1 If you defend, go to 4. This is where the defending process begins.

  3.2 If you do not defend, go to 7.

4.  Exhaust your identity.

  4.1 Ability that concern Interrupt: "When your hero defends against an attack" and "When [Hero name] defends" triggers here.

5. Flip the facedown boost card up and calculate the total ATK.

  5.1 "Defiance" triggers before flipping boost card up.

6. Subtract total ATK with you modified DEF (if modified) and deal that much Dmg to your identity.

  6.1 if the total ATK is 0, skip to 7.

  6.2 if the total ATK is greater than 0, ability that concern Interrupt: "when you would take any amount of damage..." triggers here.

7. Reduce HP equal to the total ATK. And the defense process is now considered done.

8. All abilities and keyword that concern "after you defense" or "after you are attacked" or "after an attack" trigger here.

The reason I need to state this process is because of Ghost-Spider's "After you use a basic power" will not trigger mid defense.

As of now, Ghost-Spider doesn't follow this process, she immediately prompt to use her Event after I let her Defend. If you're unlucky enough you would draw a boost card that exhausts you again.