This post will be update further if I found any more bugs.
Card ID: Captain America (Leadership) (21011)
Expected vs. Actual Results: The card counts non-character AVENGERS card when determine the cost. (eg. When you have 2 allies with AVENGERS traits and Quincarrier(08023) it counts Quincarrier as AVENGERS card and reduce Captain America cost.)
Card ID: Southern Cross (38006)
Expected vs. Actual Results: When Rogue attach Touched (38002) to the villain and gain Retaliate, Southern Cross does not stun the enemy.
Card ID: Shadowcat's cards (Solid/Phased mass form (32031a/32031b), Phase Strike (32038), Telepathic Restraint (32059), Quick Shift (32040))
Expected vs. Actual Results: Her cards are bugged in lots of way.
1. Playing DEFENSE-labeled card without exhausting Shadowcat, sometimes, doesn't flip Phased form as it should be.
this is the list of cards I've found so far:
- Defiance (26018)
- Powerful Punch (32014)
- Preemptive Strike (05014)
- Quick Shift (32040)
2. Phase Strike (32038) should discard the villain's attachment before it triggers Retaliate, since the attack should resolve fully before Retaliate triggers (test with Klaw).
3. Solid mass form (32031a) is not exhausted when used.
4. Using Quick Shift (32040) while Shadowcat is in Solid form, sometimes, flip the form twice immediately when using it against minion (first occur when I used it against Melter (01132)) Resulted in Shadowcat taking damage as it shouldn't. This is the video I've successfully reproduced to bug:
The sequence should be:
1. Shadowcat plays Quick Shift while in Solid
2. Solid flip to Phased
3. Enemy attacks and deals no damage to Shadowcat, since she's in Phased form and she is defending against an attack (using Quick Shift as a DEFENSE-labeled card.)
4. After the attack resolves, the Phased form flip back to Solid (Forced Response).
5. Trigger others Hero Response Hard to Ignore(16017), Unfalppable(09020) etc.
5. Using Quick Shift (32040) while Shadowcat is in Phased form, also sometimes, immediately flip to Solid form. Resulted in Shadowcat taking damage as it shouldn't (refer to the sequence above).
6. Telepathic Restraint(32059) (Shadowcat's Nemesis card) is not working properly. (It gives CONFUSED instead of STUNNED)
Card ID: Flow Like Water (26016)
Expected vs. Actual Results: Flow Like Water should trigger after the defense is fully resolved. Since, the DEFENSE card is resolving continuously along with attacking. The DEFENSE card is considered to be played after it fully resolves, not after paying the cost.
If this is not the correct way, it invokes a lot of trouble. First, Desperate Defense(09015) is now bugged because of Flow Like Water. When an enemy attacks and you play Desperate Defense, it immediately deals damage to that enemy. If it is a 1 HP minion, it is defeated. Resulted in no attacks were made and Desperate Defense whiffs because you are now not defending anymore. It shouldn't resolve like this at all. It should be:
1. Declare defend
2. Play DEFENSE cards.
3. Enemy attack resolves.
4. Resolve after attack of those DEFENSE cards (ready for DD, STUNNED for Never Back Down(14014) etc.)
5. DEFENSE cards are now considered done, which trigger Flow Like Water.
Card ID: Defiance (26018)
Expected vs. Actual Results: When play Defiance (26018) against the villain attack, Flow Like Water(26016) does not trigger.
I will be updating this more after I've played more.