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Come, my dear gnomes! Don't let our small stature fool you, our courage is higher than the mountains!

Hi! Thank you for your feedback! I appreciate your thorough review and suggestions. Let me address your questions and concerns:

  1. Sheepish Charm Effect on Ferocity:
    • If an opponent's Ferocity is reduced to 0, it stays at 0 and does not drop into negative values.
  2. Wool Wall Damage Reduction:
    • The damage reduction should be rounded up to ensure clarity and consistency.
  3. Turn Order Advantage:
    • You bring up a valid point about the turn order. To address this, simultaneous action selection using cards or tokens could indeed balance the game better and add a strategic element. This would prevent the second player from always having the reactionary advantage.
  4. Charm Ability Overpowered:
    • To balance Charm abilities like Cuddle Ambush and Cotton Cloud, we propose adding a cooldown period. For example, Cuddle Ambush can only be used once every 3 turns. Additionally, we could limit the number of times a Charm ability can affect the same opponent consecutively to prevent indefinite stuns.
  5. Powerful and Useless Abilities:
    • I agree that some abilities may need rebalancing. We will try to do it in next update very soon!
  6. Determining First Player:
    • Instead of rolling a die, we could use Agility to determine who goes first. The player with the higher Agility goes first. If both players have the same Agility, then a die roll can break the tie.
  7. Intended Player Format:
    • The game was initially designed for 1v1 battles, but it can be easily adapted for 2v2. The current feedback indicates that rebalancing for both formats will enhance the gameplay experience.
  8. Playtesting:
    • While the initial rules were not extensively playtested, your feedback is invaluable for refining the game. Future playtesting sessions will incorporate these adjustments to ensure a balanced and enjoyable experience.

Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm. Your feedback will help make "Battle of the Fluff: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing" a fun and balanced game. I hope you'll try it again once these improvements are implemented!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you like the mechanics and the illustration of our Fluffy Hero! We're currently working on the TTRPG format, but the idea of a PC version is really intriguing! It's great to know that there's interest in such adaptations. I'll definitely keep you in mind for feedback and any help we might need as we develop further. Thanks again for your support!