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A member registered Nov 13, 2023

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Little bit of a spoiler for a certain point in the game.

One dot is continue in the same direction, two is turn clockwise, and three is turn counterclockwise.

I've found the source of baby mode. Since your character shrinks while falling, I assume entering the door tricks the game into keeping you small.

The game actually runs the same, but I'm just small. The lantern still spins and launches, albeit without the chain, and the light doesn't conform to my smaller size.

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Okay, weird bug I found just now. if you go into a loading zone right after you fall into a pit you become microscopic. Currently beating the game in (literal) baby mode.

Love the game so far, and I especially love Merilyn's design.

However, the map was a little confusing at first so I made a key. Red is the room you're currently in, Light blue rooms are outside, and Purple rooms are inside (but not the one you're in.) It might seem obvious, but I feel like others might also have trouble.

Honestly the only thing I want is to have the option to let her fuck you when she has either of the outfits with a strap or the futa cock. And being able to make her bigger (Breasts, balls, cock, thighs, belly, ass, feet, etc.) via the lab or food would work well too.

The fourth painting in the gallery looks kinda familiar. Can't quite put my finger on it though.

Try looking very closely in the menu for rush hour.

That's what I said breh

Absolutely loved the game, but I did get confused with the box. Since I don't wan't to outright tell you how to open, I'll just be a little vague with this hint. I found the game to be a little too quiet, so I went to the settings. However, something seems like it did not need to be there.

Pretty fun to be honest. However, my only problem with the demo is that getting to the end doesn't count as a win, so the nothings deck and the glitched deck are both impossible to use. Other than that, the game no longer has any weird bugs, making it perfect.

Huh, good to know.

Yeah, that is fair. And I've noticed a pattern while playing, the characters who are blushing are usually able to marry. Assuming this is what shows it, I definitely look forward to getting with Mary. 

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I've married the elf girl and the goblin girl, so who's the one at the end? From the outline, it looks like it's the prince of the beast kingdom, but I could be wrong. (Also, would definitely love to be able to marry the tundra wolf girl.)  

I'm so happy that the demo is finally back!

Pretty fun, very interesting character designs (if you know what I mean) too. Can't wait to see what will be added in the future. I only have one suggestion, you should add more interactions that let you gain gold since I stayed broke for quite a while on my first playthrough.

Really "interesting" game to be honest. Loved playing this and seeing the great sights from the first stage, will def be playing the full game soon.

Was unable to beat the game for quite a while, then I found out you could open the windows of some of the buildings and finally found what I was missing! This game is very fun and I would love if it was expanded upon and made into a longer game.

The yellow guy is sitting on the circle 💀

Love the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) references to Sunken City in your games. The ship in the bottle, the fish statue, the whole puzzle under the fish statue that flat out says sunken city on the Luna statue, and one of the NPCs directly referencing it are all cool little details that all tie these games together! Really excited for Sunken City to be released, I will definitely be there the day it drops!

I wonder how you got so good at drawing women 👀

Super fun and interesting game. Hopefully you plan on expanding on this game in the future and perhaps making a fully fledged game out of it.

This is definitely the most difficult of the original our cursed travels game. Still super excited to play Sunken City!

Pretty fun, but the ending was kinda anticlimactic though.

So far this is already up there with the original A House For Alesa. Speaking of Alesa, that abandoned mansion looks kinda familiar. Was that intentional?

Currently stuck on totem-16, any tips on how to beat it?

after being no waved in the beginning the game just stops, I am using the web version btw

i may or may not be addicted

I've been loving the games you're putting out recently and look forward to what you'll make next.

You've once again proven that you draw women a little too well 😳

The game is really good but it's kind of frustrating that there isn't a way to save the game.

I hope you show that eventually tbh

Pretty fun and simple, I might be addicted though.

I'm sorry what

jesus christ they are huge

in all seriousness though this is definitely a 10/10 game (based on everything but the bazongas)


Nah, seems like it's just supposed to be like that man.

Love the secret ending referencing your next game, I can't wait for it to come out!

For some reason none of the buttons in the settings menu work.

I've now learned that i have to step on the gray block, but on my first playthrough I just clipped through the elevator.