Little bit of a spoiler for a certain point in the game.
One dot is continue in the same direction, two is turn clockwise, and three is turn counterclockwise.
Love the game so far, and I especially love Merilyn's design.
However, the map was a little confusing at first so I made a key. Red is the room you're currently in, Light blue rooms are outside, and Purple rooms are inside (but not the one you're in.) It might seem obvious, but I feel like others might also have trouble.
Love the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) references to Sunken City in your games. The ship in the bottle, the fish statue, the whole puzzle under the fish statue that flat out says sunken city on the Luna statue, and one of the NPCs directly referencing it are all cool little details that all tie these games together! Really excited for Sunken City to be released, I will definitely be there the day it drops!