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A member registered May 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Good ideas! But just a quick reminder that shift often triggers the sticky key so that could be a little problematic. And yet another vote for space; I'll surely change it. Ensuring frame rate is also a big issue, thanks for raising that too!

"This game was made in 8 hours"

Dude, that's real PRO

Wow, that game you mentioned seems to have more cool mechanism that exploits this similar idea. Thank you for telling me about it :)

Thanks :)

Thank you for that advice. Any suggestions?

Oh you make a good point. Originally it was left/right mouse click. Then one of my friends said that laptops like macbook doesn't have right click button, so I changed like that. It's just two keys that you can easily be pressed with left hand (without moving your right hand off the mouse).

But I admit that it is not a very common choice. Is there any good alternative you can think of?

I'm so glad that you like it 😘


Thank you :)

Wait how did you get back at the bottom with only wall jump? I'm totally stuck there😂

Perfectly polished work. Real ART!

I love this one so much and it is refreshing my understanding of what a physics simulation game can look like.

Monospace font & dark background & glowing objects. Cool uniformity in the aesthetics.

2 second idea also works great in creating tension. Really enjoyed this one.

Amazing use of different assets and they fit so well. Really looking forward to further updates.

Great concept. Juicy gamepaly. I love it.

(2 edits)

It's just amazing how this idea of double Tetris can add to the deepness of the game. Great design on details like constricting the rotation of blocks, which works perfectly.

The overall art style are also well worked.

Nice work!

Thanks :)

Thank you!

Interesting concept and beautiful parallax. A little bit hard to control. May use some more guidance in level design.

(1 edit)

The jumps are super juicy. Very delightful color palette too.

Lovely art. The atmosphere is quite narrative and make me imagine a lot of stories behind the scene.