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A member registered Feb 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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I didn't reply before, but yeah, that helped, thanks. ^^;

I've had a terrible migraine all week and haven't worked on this since the weekend, though, and really don't want to rush the rest so mayyyy have to drop out depending on how the next few days go. I probably don't need to apologize but sorry in advance anyway. -_-;

Is there a list of which character generator pieces are RTP? I'm not 100% certain which are base and which came with the preorder DLC. ^^;

Sorry to bother!

Oh my gosh, I'm glad you enjoyed!

The item thing is a really important thing to note. Most people I've seen play through since I put this up have gotten briefly stuck due to not realizing some of the items are usable. Oops. ^^;

But yeah, thanks for your comments!

Just watched the video!

At the very least,  I'm  personally very unsatisfied with what's left of the characters and lore in the version I submitted. The first draft had more explanation of the setting and an actual separate character arc for each of the sisters, but alas, 2/3 of the game just wasn't fun and I made the choice to make major cuts so close to the deadline without giving myself time to fill in the gaps. ^^;
I do think it's better game for that choice, but  wow is it a significantly weaker story.

That said,  giving the sisters differences from a gameplay standpoint totally never crossed my mind! It seems like such an obvious thing in hindsight and I feel really silly now! xD
If I ever expand on this concept I'll definitely have to do that.

On the other hand onscreen timer I did try, but it felt extraneous to me. Though a large part of that is probably just a personal quirk; I've never been fond of timers in puzzle games and similar genres. But, um, yeah, creating actual tension would be even more important in a longer thing. I'll have to consider how to approach that if I ever do come back to this.

But yeah, long ramble aside, thanks so much for playing, and thanks especially for your comments and advice!

Yeah, it was initially longer but I cut like 2/3rds of it because a lot of it just... wasn't very fun.

I was going to replace those segments with better ones, but alas, I ran out of time and just had to lazily connect the ending to the first puzzle without the proper buildup.

But glad you enjoyed~

Like VX, this looks for Verdana before using the built-in font. I hope that's still within the spirit.

Random super late question for clarification: it says "things from past RTPs can be used" but also "no fogs", so does that mean the fogs from the XP RTP are an exception to the former rule and can't be used in MV?