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A member registered Aug 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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Awesome game! Simple and elegant. It's really cool that you can create your own levels and share them!

Checked Swing calls have been added in v13!

Thanks for the awesome feedback! It's great to hear that you found it useful as a real umpire as well!

Batters can now get hits in the latest (v10) release! (End game accuracy report was also added back in v6). Let me know if you have any thoughts!

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for this feedback. I am really happy to hear that you have enjoyed the game! Here are some of my thoughts on the feedback:

  • Umpire Range-of-Motion: I did forget to adapt the umpire motion when I added right-hand-batters. I will look to get that fixed soon. As for more general controls, the 2d plane idea is really cool! My only concerns is whether that can be done with intuitive controls. I will try to find ways to do this but will likely be long-term
  • Streak Tracker: Really cool idea! Will try to see what UI makes sense for this. I will be adding some other UI in the next few releases, so I can try to add this after that.
  • Strike 3 Pitch Location: Yea this is definitely a problem. I will try to get a fix in the next few releases
  • Pitch Challenge: I have noticed some edge cases too. I will try to get to the bottom of it but might take a few releases to find the issue.
  • Team Choice: Yes definitely a cool idea! I am focusing on polishing the in-game experience at the moment and then I want to think about what the out-of-game expansion should be. Whether this a story mode or the choice to pick teams or something else, I need to figure out.
  • Difficulty setting: Currently the scoring is more forgiving at the lower difficulty. You can make more mistakes and survive. I wanted to avoid making the game mechanics themselves too different but open to it if that's the best solution.

Thanks for the wonderful feedback, I have added all the short term items in my backlog and will address them in the next few releases!

Edit: As of v11 release, Umpire Range-of-Motion + Strike 3 Pitch Location + Pitch Challenge have been fixed! The rest are longer term goals in the backlog

Thanks for the feedback! Latest update should address all of these.

  • There is an end of game report (since v6)
  • Cameras have been adjusted and you can choose any angle in between the two presets as well (since v7)
  • The different pitch types are more obvious and distinct (since v8)