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A member registered Mar 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing, I'm not much of an artist so your comment is appreciated.

Thank you for playing and sorry about your arm. There were/are going to be story sections that split up levels and provide more story and characterization to Tonji, Kyrie, and another character who will provide support to Kyrie but will also make her realize some things about herself and the life she's lived.

Thank you for playing and notifying me of the bug.

Pretty cool implementation of 2d to 3d, and the death animation surprised the crap out of me. I guess a couple of suggestions are to switch the run to the right shift and allow you to skip the cutscene at the start so you don't need to go through it every time you die. I like the vibe of the game but had a hard time finding the key or seeing the monster. Overall had a pretty great time playing it.

Rated and added my comment. Here's mine as well:

Hope you like it.

Love the environment (screens give me fallout vibes) and the sounds and gameplay feels good as well, some problems I have is that sometimes its hard to tell if I'm hovering over something and I couldn't open the thing holding the uranium when I needed to change it again.

I have nothing to say, pretty creepy, fun game, got high marks from me.

Thank you for playing, I will expand upon it as much as I can while also trying not to have feature creep, got a lot of ideas (such as monsters ordering more food after an order is filled but keeping the same time or if a customer waits too long they affect the gameplay, etc) but I also want to finish this game so I wanna build a good foundation first.

Thank you for playing! There was supposed to be a drink food item where the player needed to use a machine to choose a flavor out of 3 and at the right time click a button to stop a meter to pour out the right amount of drink, didn't have time to implement which is why the sanity bar was created,  but I will look into doing so.

Thanks for playing! Simple font for the title or the dialogue? Dialogue already uses the standard font style (wanted to use a different style but ran out of time).

Rated your game, here is mine as well:

Loved the environment, sound, art style, and gameplay, haven't gotten to the end yet even after dying over 20 times, but am excited knowing there are multiple endings. I guess one thing I would like is to know how exactly I died so I can try to improve each run as I don't know if the woman kills me because I'm too close or making too much sound.

Rated your game and now go tear mine apart:

Fun game, more fun than scary, and as others have sound would make a great action game (which I will play once you develop it more) and enemy variety and spells were great, One issue I encountered was that even paused the enemies can still walk towards and attack you, the scroll for spells would be better in my opinion if activating or using the option for left-hand moves the spells to the left and vice versa and enemy design could be more interesting than spandex man, I was also able to camp out for the last hour at the place that says "Later in the night, more loot, more hostility from cannibals". But for a game made in 3 days, it's really good, I'll be looking forward to more updates. 

Here's my game

Hope you enjoy it, and let me know if you have any suggestions or encounter any issues.

Pretty interesting game and environment, didn't know where to go but enjoyed wherever I was due to the sound and world

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing, I'm currently planning to update the dialogue system (which was the reason Tonji wasn't shown as much) and then adding the story that was supposed to be there but couldn't due to time.

No problem and I like Gwen the way she is, some characters are just mean and I think that's good, opens it up a lot of options like she could be given redemption or make it so people want her downfall.

Rated your's, here's mine: 

Hope you like it

Pretty fun game, loved the sounds used and the art, I guess as another said a way to get to stall the monster would be appreciated,

Fixed the bugs affecting food and the plates. Thanks again for your input.

Fixed the bugs affecting food and the plates. Thanks again for your input.

Fixed the bugs affecting food and the plates, and also made dialogue faster while adding a button to speed up more. Thanks again for your input.

Fixed a couple of bugs and sped up dialogue while adding an additional speed-up option.

Okay, thanks for answering my question, looking forward to future updates.

I really liked the developing story and the pixel backgrounds, also screw Gwen. I guess the only thing is I wish there was some sound. Got past the hitchhiker and stopped where it said "You're alright" don't know if it stopped or if I got a quick ending by being overly cautious.

Thank you for playing! There was supposed to be more story added, but could only do the first cutscene, and even then it still wasn't the quality I wanted.

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing! The monsters are a mix of yokai and cryptids, hopefully, I captured them well.

Thank you for playing! I will implement a button to speed up dialogue, and am currently planning on implementing a solution to the plate and food bug.

Thank you for the info, I'll look into it.

Rated yours really liked it, here's mine:

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing. If you could point out any issues that would be much appreciated!

Thank you for playing and notifying me of the error.

Nice short game, designs for monsters look good, and I liked the matching of each item to a target

I really like the creepy environment and sound. I have a question is the gun meant to be there? Keep trying to use it against the monster and nothing happens.

I really like the creepy environment and sound. I have a question is the gun meant to be there? Keep trying to use it against the monster and nothing happens.

Thank you for playing, yea was a bug experienced near the end, will attempt to fix it soon after I rest my hand