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A member registered Mar 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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people have lives, and as they said they cannot reread the entires game dialogue for u to get a boner by debating with them. u put ur word as god and see urself as the moral compass and high ground, yet you are nobody in this conversation. you do not hold presedent over what is right and wrong. they are allowed to criticise, and they are allowed to take their time in a response. get your head out of your ass.

hello! im playing chesters route and i just thought i should let you know that "spaz" is a slur against autistic people in british english (when the player says he "didn't mean to make your tail spaz out")! great game otherwise!

(1 edit)

you can save the game, and the game should auto save (although i dont think this is enabled). you can also skip dialogue by pressing TAB or CTRL. make sure you save often, and back up those saves to an external hard drive!

you need to start the orc camp series of quests :)

theres quite a few spelling mistakes currently, i imagine the dev will comb thru and fix a bunch in a future house-keeping type build :)

theres a lot of dialogue related to him. if you interact with him more, im sure more opportunities will open up with him! you may need to clear other quests and such to see more of him. as for dates, it doesnt seem like theres any available right now. there are multiple sex interactions though!

1 - glowshroom
2 - nothing
3 - white pulp
4 - glowshroom
5 - nothing

hope this helps!

theres a bit more content then that, for example, dealings with the rat king, a fight between other rats and rebuild his house too! there even seems to be some scrap corrution dialogue too. ;)

it appears to be in the redwood forest! there are a few mentions of it elsewhere, but your going to be able to battle it in the redwood forest :)

the invite link worked perfectly fine for me. are you in the max discord servers you can be in?

it seems to work fine for me. have you tried restarting your device, using a different broswer, or restarting your internet? if none of these work, it may just be a temporary itch issue and youll have to contact them!

How do you train the dog? I gave it meat now it's at my house, how do I train it?

in devilzon? you talk to him first via devilbook, then you go to his profile and go to the website, hack the cams, listen to his convo, go the devilzon app, buy a dildo, send it to him, go back into the browser, hack the cam again, listen to his convo again and you should get the scene.

hehe thats me :D

nice! i joined, im peachy :)

thats awesome! would you like to dm me on discord or something ? :D

hi! would you like some help with english translating and spelling? i speak fluent english and would love to help. thanks!

most probably, but back up your saves before trying.

hi! im guessing ur on a recent update, you just need to restart the route unfortunately, or just reopen the game and try again.

how to train the dog?

bad comment

Yes, it's RenPy. Its actually quite easy to learn actually. Good for people with Dyslexia, like my self :)

there wont be.

go ahead my dude

Oh could you IMAGINE if someone did that? God, the dream~

Hey! It doesn't matter if someone is enjoying them self or not - sexual harassment is sexual harassment. That's like saying "The millennial wanted to die - they enjoyed it - so its not murder." And, given with what I've played thru, MC doesnt seem to mind what others think about him being gay. Again - if MC enjoyed themselves it still is sexual harassment given no consent. There is no consent stated. And, if you threatened to rape/murder etc someone over months and you went to court about it and said "it was a joke!"your not going to get off scott free. It still happened. While, yes the route isn't finished yet, the stuff that is out is what we should focus on. Because its available. We haven't been told that he has given consent. Thats mainly what I'm focused on. MC doesn't want Gil touching him. No consent there. Sexual harassment. It doesn't matter about the morals of that universe - because the writer is from here. Earth. Not the fictional world. And I'm gonna take a fat guess and say rape wouldn't be OK in this world. And if it IS ok, then the developer needs a moral check. Thanks!

Ah. Still - age of consent matters.

And I didn't know that happens. Sorry. Havent fully played Dozers route.

Yes. It has been mentioned a lot. Please take a look into Gil's route if you haven't already. Have a great day!

Hi! That's not what this is about. I'm concerned about the writers POV on sexual harassment with minors which is a serious issue. Thanks!

While age of consent differs from country to country, we pretty much all can agree that a teacher hitting on someone in high school isn't very good. Also, considering that the MC is 18 and it was said it was going for a few years which isn't very good. And, in the case where 'morals/ethics get tossed out the window' doesn't happen in many of the visual novels I've played, only this one. And it just doesn't settle right with me. If you've played a game where stuff like this happening with minors by a legal adult then maybe you should question the developer. I am also aware the age of consent in Japan (where I believe this takes place, correct me if I'm wrong) is 13, it still doesn't really make it right from a world viewpoint. 13 is young. Too young. I don't really know what I'm saying right now, sorry if this is hard to read or make sense of, I kinda jump between topics a lot and I'm sorry. Anyway, have a great day!

Also, your note about Dozer - EA is a great game, but I can't see why you make that comment. He is actually a sweet heart.

You wrote a character who has, multiple times, SEXUALLY HARASSED the main character. I don't think I have to explain why this is bad. Also, consent is really REALLY important which obviously isn't inside the mind of the writer. I am enjoying the game, but I just really REALLY don't want to support a writer who doesn't mind having a MAIN-CHARACTER who is potentially either a rapist or someone who sexually harasses others.

its an issue with a transition and cant be fixed by you - only the devs.

ngl that 'character select' screen really thru me off... did nothing really matter before then?