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A member registered Mar 02, 2021

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Hey your portfolio looks good! Im a somewhat new dev looking for a musician and would love to work with you! my discord is baboobraz

(1 edit)

Hello! I am a programmer looking for an artist for their team! Let me know if you'd like to join me! Right now its just me (and if you happen to know any composers that would be great!)

You can add me on Discord: baboobraz

I have experience with both godot and unity but prefer godot. I am mostly looking for a composer, but an artist would be great too so I can focus more on the programming aspect!

Lmk if you’d be interested in joining with me!

Hello! I would like to join your group!

Ive been using godot for a very short amount of time, however, I have over a year of programming experience and already feel comfortable in the engine!

I hope not but it doesn’t say anything in the rules about whether or not its allowed.

If we lets say are on day 4 and find a game from day 2 that we wanna work on for day 4 is that allowed? Or is it only games that were worked on on the correct days? 

Very cool game! I love the art! I will say the screen shake was way to much for me so I had to stop but I enjoyed it up until that point! 
The 'hide in a tree' command was confusing though- I didn't know how to! Plus I kept getting stuck on stuff xD

Thanks! I’ve actually been working on the game more so I might update it! -the artist for the game (who is also a programmer, though didnt do any coding for this specific project.)

This is so good! Really impressive for the time you had with the project!