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A member registered Oct 21, 2017

Recent community posts

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Look at their patreon, the game is not dead.

Im just saying things as i find them it doesnt bother me

N1 Phone guy subtitles say juty instead of duty


It should be here

(The game is NOT being restricted to patrons, this is separate content. Definitive Edition will be free.)

sorry, its the top one

its literally right above this comment section

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look at the patreon reveal devlog

Me too

The question is what timezone?

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It鈥檚 most definitely the secrets.

It is.

(2 edits)

I just realised that the link for this page says "aweakaning" and the title says "awakaning"...


i already got mortar but i dont know what to do with it

Autonauts communityCreated a new topic phone mode

this game should be playable on phones (sory 4 2 much comments im on fire with ideas today)

sorrry but im not paitent to wait 4 it to save then wait 4 it to quit (it takes forever to quit)

Autonauts communityCreated a new topic weed idea

whith the weed in game u should be able to plant it (left click) in the ground 

tnx already

(2 edits)

I dont rly like how there arent generated names anymore T_T

Autonauts communityCreated a new topic wat r pumpkins 4?


Autonauts communityCreated a new topic I love this game!

but the only thing is i cant support u guys cuz i donr live (even) close to ur country:(


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sorry if obvious but i dont get it,btw when will be there more reshearch im curious

by the way can u guys tell me when its possibe?


Sry if i ask too many puestions &sorry if i misswrite something i am still learning english

