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A member registered Jan 20, 2024 · View creator page →

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Glory to Arstotzka! I liked the idea here, and checking everything felt fun. I wish there was a checklist in game for you to check and follow along, but other than that and variety, I quite liked it.

This game has a really cool concept, but I found it a bit hard to control, both due to the camera and odd constant force pushing me around.

I really liked this game, it was very fun to try and dodge all the patterns. The music was nice as well, and the health system was pretty cool, with your hitbox shrinking every time you got hit.

This game was really fun. Trying to keep up speed while destroying other cars was a blast. Only thing I'd say was that the cars to destroy felt a bit to sparse for how much blood they gave you, so it was a bit rough trying to keep up your gauge. 

I really liked this one. The platforming felt just challenging enough to be fun, though it did start off quite slow. The only thing I really wished for was a few more obstacle layouts to vary the gameplay a bit more.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work for me. I'm not sure if that's because I'm not near anyone else, or my internet is bad, but I was just stuck on the main menu and couldn't do anything.

I like the little guy that you have to take care of. Unfortunate that he must face the same sad ending all of us mortals must face.

I thought the idea was pretty cool. I enjoyed the puzzle that was there, and the health decreasing as you stood still was cool.

The game felt a little weird to me. I thought dodging around was cool, and the different obstacles were fun to maneuver around. The thing I'd probably comment on was that I didn't really understand what the purpose of the order was, and that the recovery didn't seem like it was influential.

This game is horrifying in all the best ways. The dash feels a bit wonky, but I like trying to figure out the correct path to go in the levels to stab as many people as possible. Also, Waltuh blender goes hard.

This game is horrifying in all the best ways. The dash feels a bit wonky, but I like trying to figure out the correct path to go in the levels to stab as many people as possible. Also, Waltuh blender goes hard.