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A member registered Dec 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Not my favourite game of the jam, but definitely the one I spent longest playing. It controlled really well and I loved the creative eye-shutting control to reveal different parts of the level. Could lead to some really interesting puzzle design. You've got a really good prototype for a full game here.

Good use of theme, love the mechanics and potential for both timing skill and puzzle design. Just a bit too hard right from the start, needs to ease in a bit more. Other than that its a great prototype for what could be a really good full game.

Best use of the theme so far!

Really nice use of the theme as a twist on a classic game. Slightly awkward to shift the grayscale with z/x/c when controlling with WASD meant that I wasn't changing them as frequently as I would have liked. As I was shooting with left-mouse maybe cycling through the greayscale with right-mouse would be a nice option to have. I also thought the difficulty could have ramped up just a bit faster, but other than that I liked it a lot.

Love the concept here, I'd definitely play a full version of this with multiple levels etc. The animal swapping mechanic was good and I liked that all the animals really controlled differently. Couple things to improve; I thought too many of the obstacles could be beaten with multiple characters, it would be good to have more areas like in the tutorial where each section needed a different animal to progress. Another thing is the control scheme. In general this would benefit from controller support, but especially on keyboard I found jumping with W while also needing to switch animals with the number keys to be a bit awkward. Really like the ending though, very funny credits sequence.

Very nice. Solid foundation to build on here for a full game. Quite hard at times but quick restarts and a short length meant it never became unenjoyable.