I got stuck on the 3rd level when you go around the perimeter. The timing was difficult and it didn't seem to line up with the pink slime's timing of getting out of its trap. Really well made though! Great work!
After I flipped the four levers on the first forest level, I wasn't sure where to go from there so I had to call it quits. Also would be nice if I could sprint. Liked the music and the art! Well done.
Very fun game! I had issues with stuttering and it crashed on me once. Not sure if it's happened with anyone else. Regardless, I had fun with this one.
Very fun game! I had issues with stuttering and it crashed on me once. Not sure if it's happened with anyone else. Regardless, I had fun with this one.
A few bugs with the walls and I didn't know I need to charge up the slime meter before I could leave. Didn't take too long to figure out. Love the look and feel of the game! Well done! Found your game when I was looking for 2D style games on itch.
That's my biggest takeaway from this - I didn't make it very easy to get into or digest mechanically. I'm thinking I'll make some balance changes to the monsters and make a "first" level which allows the player to slowly get the hang of everything. I'm glad you enjoyed it!