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Bammax Games

A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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I hope you (and your friends) enjoy it!!

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Thank you so much, I really appreciate the support!! This project was a big step out of my comfort zone, and I had a blast working on it.

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The absurd shenanigans this setting enables 🤌 An absolute blast to run!

How did you know I wanted this? I didn’t even know I wanted this. 10/10.

Hey! Apologies on the delay getting back to y’all. I’ve yet to knock out a full adventure of my own—the life of an ADHD brain—BUT, if you’re looking for examples of the kinds of adventures this game can be used for, the CY_BORG Location assets are perfect examples of where CRWLR could be used!

Would love to get feedback on the system as y’all play through! I’m chasing an ITO hack with a few adventures right now (keep an eye out!), and after I’ve knocked those out, I’m aiming to circle back to and overhaul CRWLR based on feedback received.

Happy gaming, and thanks so much for playing!!

I’m so glad you like it! I’m a big fan of alternative systems too, and this was my first experience writing for playing cards.

If you’re looking for more card-based TTRPGs and you like dungeon crawly games, check out Deck Delvers by Cantina Thirteen!

Thanks so much for playing, have a lovely day!

CRWLR community · Created a new topic Beta Feedback
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This thread is devoted to any and all questions and comments regarding CRWLR Beta v0.1+!

I’m so glad!! Enjoy the game :D