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A member registered Sep 06, 2022

Recent community posts

Just want to say love the game and looking forward to the next update. Love the clothing options and would love to see the clothing you find the girls wearing in the rooms as an option as well.

Need help I try to use rip cloths off and it says i don't have that perk but none of them give a description that eludes to unlocking that ability. What perk am i missing?

Just a suggestion if its not too much of a pain but could movement as far as walking be switched to using arrow keys or wasd? I mention this because some of the camera angles make it challenging to click on the floor area you would like to navigate to.

You do understand he lost a relative and has been dealing with the stress of the legal BS that comes with the loss as well as the emotional factors. If you were in his shoes would your creativity not be impacted? He has slowed a bit also due to the fact of not being well if you looked at his updates you would understand life has not been sunshine and rainbows for him. I'm not saying its wrong to have an opinion by any means but if your not happy with the pace of development then it may be best for you to move on rather than trying to tear others down over your own frustrations. Picture being in his shoes and going through everything while having someone attacking you over a hobby you enjoy just because your not moving at a pace they are demanding of you.

Where can we find a link to the discord page?

Any word on an estimated release timeline for steam users? Been waiting for 2 years and then waited and watched the Q4 release date pass last year with no word on the status.

Just a tip: It would be nice to see an update on steam at least 1 time per quarter on the progress.

Any Idea of when this will be released on steam