I don't know if I'm just unlucky or something but I bought this game exactly 62 days ago, its the first game I ever bought here on itch.io and as a consequence I'm new to the whole "indie game" scene. Maybe I'm over reacting if so please feel free to educate me, but in the time I bought this game there hasn't been a single updated, although I'm not 100% sure about that either because I read a post saying that Patreon was the place where most of the updates where going? I read this because I thought that because I tipped that meant I would get the "Donation only build" but apparently that's only for Patreon? Does that mean my purchase HERE was a bad choice? Should I have gone with Patreon? I'm simply new and I don't understand. However and I'm sorry this is going on so long but I am aware that these are indie games with small company's or even one or two people making it, I'm also aware that they have lives and updates will take a while and to be honest I'm totally fine and willing to wait I just would like to know that I didn't get ripped off because I didn't buy it on Patreon.
As a side note why does it feel like the free version is better then the paid version? Maybe its just subjective idk.