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A member registered Jun 29, 2020

Recent community posts

Uh? Sandbox seems pretty “debug” to me.

What? Silly bean. It does! image.png

One play of Casual, Normal, Hard, and Chaos. Either normal or Milky does not matter just one of each tier.

There are some “crossover” characters that appear from time to time, as far as I can tell, they’re just in the random pool.

I had a dream about a cake shop recently. For some reason, I had to direct Barbra to make frosting, cakes, puddings, chocolate, and other goods… The only client I remember desperately needed 25 lbs (11.3398 kg) of frosting to save their wedding that would be happening in a few hours, so I had to mix it, match the flavor, and the color.

It was strange, but it felt like something that Barbra might actually do…

Don’t worry. Be Happy.

Well… changing the data is easy. It’s in CowstasticEasyMode/Patches/Money
Buuuuttt… in order to compile it you need to run the same program the maker did, and I’m not sure what that is.

Ah. The short answer is no, not gonna happen. However… You can make a mod for yourself if you want, I have no idea where to start with that though.

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After I beat the game, for some reason she re-appeared in my list of revivals. Be aware that if you revive her without using the f12 technique you will be reset back to the start of Biscotti… along with all revivals after that storywise getting locked up.

So they have to be released again. oh and also if you don’t use the f12 you won’t get Klehss again, so it’s like double bad.

Yes, both Klehss and Celerea are available. To get Klehss the octopus pirate you currently have to enter Debug mode (Left Shift, Right Enter, F2) and press F12 during the revival cutscene when you first revive her. (then middle-click to restore focus I think). My best guess is to get the Combo meter to 100 before defeating them, then they might be available for revival… unsure. If you feel cheaty or just tired, tapping 1 on the NumPad to the right will give you 10 Combo a tap, and M will insta-kill the opponent.

Yeah, with the pointer the little rollers on the cannons are for grabbing, then use the Mouse wheel. Lets you move them left and right. In smash mode, the bar on the front fills up to show the power and height.

Did you hit continue after the completion screen and spam the Fairy Latte? XP

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Tentacles come from the fights with the starting pirate girls. Get the COMBO meter to 50 and 100 to get guaranteed drops. The rarity of the tentacles is a tiny issue though so it might take a few fights.

Holy banana? 3 hours? It should only take about 15-20 minutes or so.

If you have a crystal in the inventory, when you see a wisp appear after battle just long-click it. You’ll scoop it into an empty crystal from your bag.

Yes, one time for each of the basic modes is needed.

Tha Milk Spoiler Sandbox is the easiest, followed by Milky Mode as this will eventually get to the required production values regardless. Has to be before completion as it's technically a game-over screen. 'Fullness Tolerance' needed. Screen only fills when you don't milk, screen drains when you do milk.
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Okay, I see that someone was a wee bit angy.

Sandbox Spoiler!
  1. Play through each basic mode once (Normal or Milky does not matter)
  2. Click the pixel in the top left corner of the mode select to get Chaos Mode.
  3. Complete Chaos Mode once.
  4. Sandbox will now appear on your main menu screen.
  5. Person will be less angy now? * Hopeful *

There's a lot about this in the "drowning" thread.

The button is hiding in the shadows. Literally. After you have Chaos mode open check the shadows carefully for where the cursor changes.

In the Menu options is the Discord link.

Would it be possible to have a button that sets the milk level back to 0 ml in the special menu?

The reason I ask this is that the draining animation only works at a certain rate. Unless the rate of drain for milking can be increased.
It often takes 10% less time to quit the game, and reset all the values by clicking rapidly than if you try to drain all the milk for a second run, or having to click the size all the way down, then all the way back up again.

So I'm wondering if such a button could be added to make resetting a bit faster without having to re-click all the settings continually.

You just need some entries in the record book. At least one of each basic difficulty.

Once each of the basic modes has a completion time in either Normal OR Milky it should be on the main menu.

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The button is visible here. If you look carefully.
It WILL highlight just like the normal mode buttons do when your mouse hovers over it.

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Ah yes. "All" difficulties.

; )

Edit: You only need one entry on each difficulty level. Either milky or normal will do, don't need both.
And I was implying there are more than just 4 difficulties.       XP

Heh, Okay. It's a Game Over screen and will end the run.
So just think of where such a screen would live in gameplay.

This ending is probably my favorite.

I edited out the middle so if you wanna see it, you either gotta get it in game or at the Discord.


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I believe in the standalone there is a way to edit the customer images that's kind of glitchy. But standalone also has a frame-rate issue where you have to manually cap the framerate to 60... or else it goes through the roof.(300-1000 etc.)

For the Nvidia framerate, I think PitchBlackKnight said "Nvidia control panel -> Manage 3D settings -> 'add' Cowtastic Cafe -> change max frame rate to your refresh rate, or 60".

Aaand, the next update will (hopefully) have the ability to swap out the customer images natively if everything in the kitchen cooks properly.

Ah yes. I see there friend. That would require money being sent to the animators. Capital idea, but it requires capital to run!
I am unsure if there is a way to donate other than the main itch.io purchase page.

Because they use a pixel system instead of a 3D model, they'd need to commission larger images for each new chest size. So that would need a lot of donators to boost money for it.

Indeedily deed they do, my right-facing froggy friend. 
It is easier to ask the system to operate with some randomness than it is to exclude a particular drink altogether.

Now that I think about it... I've had iced milk before. It's kind of alright if you drink it fast, but once it starts to really melt it gets icky quickly... O<O;
But compared to mixing Tang with milk... (eeegh) it's somewhat tame.

Okay it may be asking too much,
But what if there was a second level that allowed her to get much, much bigger?
If you moved the milk counters to the desk, then made a larger recessed "Kitchen" area with soft carpeting.
Then as she grows, she could eventually start to lift herself upwards atop her swelling chest until she is lifted to the height of the condiments display.

I think the first play area is great just the way it is, even though I wanted her chest to get big enough to push the cup to the side slightly.

When the tank is near max, most customers add the Special Milk to the order.
When the tank is empty, most customers order regular drinks.
Spraying extra milk can get customers to replace up to 3/4 of the cup with Special Milk.
If production is high enough just milking her can avoid the need to buy any "breaks".

It is 100% the training dummy! If you turn on the ability it crashes as soon as the bar loads!

Oooorrrpps... I did something with the keyboard?
Was trying out the pad mode and was clicking the F key along with tapping the pad input. Unsure if that is what caused this though.
I went over and clicked on the Dummy's first attack then.. BLOOP!

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object obj_TrainingPuzzleMonster:

Variable obj_TrainingPuzzleMonster.obj_CursorPuzzle(100920, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_TrainingPuzzleMonster_Step_0

Is there at least one girl who can have a bust line over 200 cm?