Explored a temple to the end and got a card from it, but there was no screen to show which card it was or even if I did get one, or to skip it if I didn't want it.
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I have a couple of suggestions.
The first one is that in the victory screen could be a little more detailed, it would be nice to see totals of how much you stole with thief drones and syphoning drones in the combat end screen.

Also, I am curious about how drawing works... Sometimes I have drawn the only copy of a card in my deck two or three turns in a row. Is your hand drawn at random from all of the cards in your deck pool? It's an interesting shift from having a discard pile.
It would be cool to have cards that drain life from your opponent... right now the only really viable strategy I have found is to get 15-20 shields as a health buffer and keep them high, because shields are much easier to restore than health and enemies in later stages can knock out 75 health in 2 turns if you are unlucky. If you had life drain cards you could potentially build a deck without relying on shields. It could be a life drain equipment that heals your ship correspondingly for damage done to enemies?
Likewise it would be cool to steal energy from them... maybe you could steal two energy or something and leave them with the 'disabled' condition from being drained?
When the trader ships offer to buy fuel from you, the amount that they offer is insultingly low. Like, little trader guy, I know fuel only costs 4 credits at station but we're out here in the big dark and it's keeping me alive. I will not sell my fuel to you for 35 credits, please sod off.
That's a 'NO' from me, captain. The only time I ever sold fuel, I sold it by mistake... and then that same little bastard came and sold it back to me for 20% of my credits when I ran out one turn later.
After opening 100 bomb and junk crates I found one with a rare item today and that felt good. Can you also get equipment out of junk crates?
I love this one. If you click in the red box after you've clicked any card without an enemy target, you can play that card repeatedly... regardless of whether or not you have one in your hand. Tested with Shields Up!, Repair Drone, Prime Defense.
The equipment menu is a hot mess. If you click on a card once you can add it to all three slots. Once I added the drone dispenser card to the third slot I could put another card over it but it would not save the changes when I left the menu, it always went back to drone dispenser.
It also seems like the effect of equipment optimization is persistent, whether or not it is equipped. I don't know if that's because the card has actually switched places with drone dispenser and only the image did not change or what.
If you set the game to windowed mode and return to the main menu it makes the game full screen again.
If you have full energy and Matter Converter and Auxiliary Reactor are equipped and you use Last Resort, not only does it give you another energy, it also does not take away the energy for the cost of the card. So you start with 4 energy, play Last Resort and end up with 5 energy.
Hello! Slightly bigger glitch this time. The game crashes back to windows between 10 and 30 seconds of the start of gameplay. This happens whether I am starting a new game or continuing an old game. Is there an error log in the game files I can send to you?
EDIT. I tried windows 8 compatibility mode and running as Admin just for kicks, same deal both ways. It can sit at the menu for an unlimited amount of time but once you start gameplay it is counting down to a crash.
Three small issues -
"Last Resort" adds another energy slot for no reason. Actually it seems like energy just sometimes adds for no reason in this version- I wasn't able to pin it down to the effect of a specific card, just sometimes the turn would start and I would have 4 energy instead of 3.
If you click on an offensive card, like plasma burst, and then click on your own ship, you can't select an enemy target until you have clicked on the card again.
The text for type 6 shields is mistakenly the one from Reverse Polarity.
First off, the game is beautiful. I love the pixel art and I look forward to the finished version. Nice work! Here are my notes:
It would be cool to be able to use all of your cards on the other team and not just offensive cards. I can't envision a situation with the cards I've seen so far that would make you want to heal your opponents' ships, for instance, but there could be one
It would also be nice to have the option to skip taking a reward card or get money instead of a reward card so that if you have a deck you are happy with you don't have to add more to it unnecessarily.
The fuel mechanic is interesting, and I would like to see more varied consequences such as losing cards from your deck if you run out... "Attacked by pirates while out of fuel! They took your missiles but spared your life!" or you could also implement zones in later stages of the game where the rewards were greater but if you ran out of fuel you would just game over, so you'd have to be very careful if you went exploring there, but maybe you could find unlocks for new ships and cards?
Status indicators:
It would be cool to be able to see enemies applying negative effects visually as damage on our ship and not just in the status text. Likewise, it would be nice to see status indicators to tell if ship is on fire.
It's hard to see that thief drone is doing anything because there is not an indication that you're actually getting any money. Maybe add a little gold +5 money over your ship and -5 money over the enemy?
Balance issues:
Obviously there is a lot of balance to do from an alpha state. As a roguelike it is too easy. The enemies don't do enough damage, maybe, or their damaging effects aren't damaging enough. I was able to exploit the fact that thief drone does so little damage to basically break the economy within the first couple of battles... maybe give each enemy a set number of gold that they can lose, or make the thief drone card have a chance of 'breaking' after each use?
Ringdown removes all shields and disables the entire enemy team... up to 3 ships in the battles I saw. For the same cost, crippling ion only disables one ship and does 2 damage. It may be good to establish a table of value... each effect costs so many points, each amount of damage costs so many points, each effect applied to all enemies costs so many points, etc. Maybe common, uncommon and rare cards could each get so many points worth of effect, if that makes sense.
Thanks! I'm looking forward to seeing this grow.
"Panic Crew" effects all ships on the enemy team, although the text seems to imply a single target.
If you have multiple cards of the same type in your hand and you play one, the game just takes the first one of the selected card type from the left side instead of the one you click on.
The content of the card frames goes away faster than the frames themselves once the cards have been used.
I hope this is helpful!