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A member registered Nov 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Had a really lovely first play session with this game, but uhh I feel dumb for asking this, how do I save?

Thank you so much for your kind words!

Oh thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

And you're definitely right; even during testing the ability to 'continue' after death if you'd already beaten a stage was brought up, but I just wasn't sure how to implement it so just kinda hoped the 'level select' screen would be enough since you can always press the next level there, but it's not an ideal solution.

I should probably just have migrated the continue and retry buttons from the victory screen and hide the continue button if the level has yet to be completed in the save data and always default to retry even when both appear

Thank you for your kind words and feedback :)

Yo that was cool; I love the art direction so much :

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Oh I didn't even realize I had missed that. Thank you for pointing it out! I'm sorry I couldn't release it on Mac :(

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I just released a spaceship piloting arcade game, Asteroid Drift. It's small, but I'm very proud of how it turned out.

The guiding principles behind Asteroid Drift were minimalism & inertia. I wanted to make a challenging game based solely around a minimal, intuitive control scheme. Something that makes sense in 2 - 3 seconds, but takes hours to master.

Finishing the game is plenty challenging, but each level is also scored only by the time left on the clock when you finish, and you'll be awarded a medal based on that time. I think shooting for the golds is quite an addictive process (there may be a secret dev time medal if you get even faster too).

~1.5 hours to beat

Asteroid Drift was built with speedrunning in mind. A playtester currently holds the record for a full-run: 7:21.64* is the time to beat - "Nick's Time," may it live in infamy.

Game link:

You know, while you're here you may as well...

Beautiful! A perfect font for the title screen of my game, Asteroid Drift -- should be published on my Itch page in the next couple weeks if you want to see it in action :)

Omg I have been blessed! Thank you so much for playing my first game, it means the world to me!

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A storm killed everyone you know; the cave you're hiding in just collapsed, and the chambers within are 'abnormal.' Try to escape.

Cavern.txt is my college capstone from a little while back, inspired by my wondering "What if every stop in Oregon Trail was a fully unique miniature narrative?" The choices you make impact your resources, and there's quite a range of tones and subject matter to be found in the various cavern chambers. 

All of this is helped tremendously by the musician I collaborated with, Andrew Koury, who went above and beyond with an atmospheric soundtrack that made the whole experience cohere and transcend in a way I never knew my little college project would be able to.

Here's the link!

The game's about 20 minutes long, but if you're looking to see all it has to offer, I'd definitely recommend playing it twice.

This is the first game I've ever published, and I am so grateful to the folks in the community who've already given it a go. I am plenty open to feedback, and every person who downloads it or comments on the page means the world to me, seriously!

Thank you all, and I'm so glad to finally be a part of the Itch community!

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Oh thank you so much, that means the world! You are the first person who I have ever sold a copy of a game to! What a wild world!