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Basil Termini

A member registered Jun 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks! The splash screen animations use a simple state machine very similar to this Raylib example, only my 'frameCounter' is actually a float that counts up at a constant rate scaled by deltaTime eg.

deltaTime = GetFrameTime()
framesCounter += deltaTime * 60


Thank you very much!

For the most part development went really smooth. I first got the fighting working for the player, then I created an intermediary 'brain' that provides the inputs for a fighter, and the inputs from the keyboard control the player's 'brain'. I really enjoyed doing the background art and adding the animation to the grass. Adding limitations like frame blending and 4:3 pixel scale to my rendering were fun challenges also. Working in the parallax was a bit less fun, mostly because the state that controls it was starting to get messy.  

It got stressful at the end when I still had a lot of features to get in such as proper timed enemy spawning (the ! flashes, then an an enemy spawns). When working on a program with a lot of moving parts in C you really have to think about how to integrate new state machines into the ones already there, otherwise you'll turn really clear and elegant code into spaghetti by the end of the project, like I did.

Now, that having been said, C is my favorite language and I love the freedom and simplicity of using Raylib. I've used GameMaker, Unity, and Godot over the years, but I've learned that for me, simple procedural programming is the way to go (I also like really fast compile times).

Thank you!

Thanks! If I can get the 3310 development kit to work I might try porting it! To make the sounds for stepping I had to play notes really fast to make it sound like noise, but I know that the ring-tone maker on the 3310 was limited to 16th notes, so if I did make a port, I'd have to figure out if I can play notes faster than 16ths. If not I'd have to change some of the sounds.

Such a simple concept but so fun and engaging, not to mention the really polished animations that make succeeding so satisfying. This game is great!

Really wholesome fun game with beautiful visuals and wonderful attention to detail, such as the plants bending/moving as you swim past them. Excellent job!

Love the aesthetics, the bosses were really cool. A little too difficult for me to beat playing casually, but ordinarily I do like a good challenge. Great work!


Awesome, thank you!

Thanks a ton!

Thanks a lot! I had to make quite a few changes to the rendering stage of my 'engine', particularly for the frame-blending.

Thanks for the criticism, and I agree, the kick is just a better version of the punch. Having the punch, say, stun enemies for less time would mean you could deal damage faster, which might make it more useful.

Thanks very much! I did originally implement enemy lifebars, but I felt they cluttered the screen too much. I suppose I could have just shown one lifebar for the last enemy that you damaged.

This was quite fun and definitely unexpected, I love how the food becomes the foe!

In my experience the swinging was a bit glitchy, clipping me out of bounds several times, but the regular platforming was solid and I liked the effects when you obtain a checkpoint. Nice work!

The isometric aesthetics are great and I really the repairing concept, it felt like I was working towards something!

The diagonal movement is kind of tricky to control and I got confused for a bit here in the last level:

These looked like steps instead of jumps

Other than that I really enjoyed it, good job! (also there's a segfault at the end XD)

(1 edit)

I'm a sucker for tycoon games and build-to-survive games, and this was unexpectedly both!

At first, I thought the slightly eerie music at the start was a bit out of place, but then – unexpectedly – zombies! I love how the game suddenly gets turned on its head, and the ability to upgrade the gun is a nice touch. Really great job!

This game has a ton of potential!

I took me a while to be able to judge the distance of one star to another in relation to the picture, but once I got the hang of it completing  the constellation was really satisfying!

Obviously some audio would be nice and maybe tying some additional reward to connecting stars, like a slight speed boost. Overall, wonderful job though!

Nice choice of music and unique starfield background, great work! My high score is 171.

I like the challenge of no 8-directional movement, but one thing that might help in terms of gameplay would be being able to dash without holding down a direction, so you always dash in the last direction you were holding.

Also, for simplicity of control I would make WASD+Space also control the menus.

(1 edit)

Thank you!

The snowmen don't have amazing AI and weren't tested very much, so getting to wave is damn good! We sunk more time into visuals than gameplay, but we do have plans for revised version. Also, thanks for the bug report, we'll figure out what's causing the camera issue.

Thank you so much, Doom x Christmas is exactly what we were going for! 

Development-wise we (clearly) spent more time on visuals than gameplay, so the difficulty is quite unbalanced, it's not you!

I'm really happy you like the music, I was really struggling to make it at first, but then suddenly I just fell into the 'Angry Christmas' swing.

As for the browser slowdown issue, try disabling any ad/content blockers and let me know if it makes a difference (I use Brave browser and Brave shields interferes with WebGL games).

Yeah, it seems to be in Chromium-based browsers.

This game is fantastic! It has the same fun creative energy as classic flash games from back in the day.  There is an amazing amount of content here for a game made in a week, and every second playing through it is a pleasure! Intuitive controls, polished visuals and audio, great level design. Brilliant entry!

This was excellent! The levels are really creative and I loved that each twist was intuitive to figure out (no text/tutorial required).  Great job!

Pretty fun endless game, great work! I really like the back and forth nature of being on level ground to suddenly flying down a slope!  I would recommend adding a timer so players know how long they lasted. 

Also, to fix the arrow keys scrolling the webpage, I would add this block of code just after the function saveFileFromMEMFSToDisk() in your minshell.html:

Thank you, we came up with the title last minute at around 2 in the morning, when the best ideas emerge!

Thanks, the gameplay isn't quite where we planned, but we're happy to have finished something before the deadline!

Super creative and challenging and brilliant art direction! 

Really cool and really difficult, I just barely made it! Solid art and music and good controls for zero-gravity. It took me a minute to figure out the rotation mechanic, but once it clicked why I was flying out into space this was a ton of fun, great job!


Glad you enjoyed, thanks for the reminder about the controls!

Thanks, those are definitely my strong suit. 

Thanks a ton!

Thank you, I'm happy with how it turned out given that I conceptualized it and made it in a span of ~17 hours!

Nice score, thanks for playing!

The cows were definitely a strange pairing with a lit candle (something I could only come up with at 2 am).  In retrospect I can definitely see the concern about hurting them lol, and I love the halloween suggestion.

Great, thanks for letting me know Krystian!

After getting some helpful feedback, particularly from Aktane's stream, I would like to submit a patch update for my Shmup. Should I wait until after Krystman's video is out, or am I allowed to submit now?

Thanks so much! I'm really pleased you enjoyed the tilted shots, I knew people would either love it or hate it. 

Your one sentence review makes a great tagline!

(1 edit)

Really fun and fast-paced! The story is classic and the characters are colorful! 

The criticisms I had you've already addressed, so not much to say other than great work!

Thanks so much! I've had mixed reviews for the directional shots. I thought it was a fun mechanic, glad to know someone else does too!